Former Jehovah's Witness David Carter from Virginia passed away on May 3, 2010. David was a proxy for the U.S. government. He claimed to have crucial evidence concerning the Watchtower Org. that would shortly be revealed. David disclosed to me some of the shocking details of what the Watchtower Organization would do to keep one from talking. We will be remembering David Carter and exposing the Watchtower org. for the horrific problems he encountered by his association with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Join us on the Six Screens of The Watchtower conference call tonight, Saturday May 8 at 7 p.m.EDT It's easy to get on the call, just dial 712-432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Phone lines open at 6:30 p.m.for our pre-conference call program and the program starts at 7p.m. So come in early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower".
Former Witness dies leaving a trail of mystery
by koolaid-man 14 Replies latest jw friends
Think About It
Don't under estimate the WTS sending these 2 JW Elders for "shepherding visits" to protect the Society.
Think About It
Oh my, the drama!!!
Mad Sweeney
Former Jehovah's Witness David Carter from Virginia passed away on May 3, 2010. David was a proxy for the U.S. government. He claimed to have crucial evidence concerning the Watchtower Org. that would shortly be revealed.
Does this have any meaning to anyone here?
Does this have any meaning to anyone here?
No, it's nonsensical.
Mad Sweeney
That's what I thought but it's always nice to get confirmation.
David Carter kept a MySpace blog......
Curious-- how exactly did he die? He appears to be only 44 on said MySpace blog.......
He was also on facebook.... apparently several of us JWN posters were 'FB Friends' with him too..!/FederalJudgesANDProxy?ref=search&sid=1407176558.1328384381..1
- The Watchtower poisoned him.
His obit and comments from those who knew him said he had "life-long health issues".
His funeral is happening right now.
He had
Familial dysautonomia...
"There currently is no cure for FD and death occurs in 50% of affected individuals by age 30. There are only two treatment centers, one at New York University Hospital [ 5 ] and one at the Hadassah Hospital in Israel. [ 6 ] One is being planned for the San Francisco area. [ 7 ]
The survival rate and quality of life has increased since the mid 80's mostly due to greater understanding of the most dangerous symptoms. At present, FD patients can be expected to function independently if treatment is begun early and major disabilities avoided.
A major issue has been Aspiration Pneumonias, where food or regurgitated stomach content would be aspirated into the lungs causing infections. Fundoplacations (by preventing regurgitation) and gastrostomy tubes (to provide non oral nutrition) have reduced the frequency of hospitalization.
Other issues which can be treated include FD Crises, Scoliosis, and various eye conditions due to limited or no tears.
An FD crisis is the body's loss of control of various Autonomic nervous system functions including blood pressure, heartrate, and body temperature. Both short term and chronic periodic high or low blood pressure have consequences and medication is used to stabilize blood pressure."