Wendy Cloete Louw We lost a sister in our congregation today, had severe depression and tried to take her own life. Sad thing is if the doctors stopped being petty and insisting on bloody and just gave her alternative blood volumiser sooner she might have been fine. It took the elders hours to get her transferred to a new hospital. It ... is so sad. This stupid doctor wouldn't even consider alternatives and when the new hospital accepted her he wouldn't release her. When he eventually gave them a prescription for a non human plasma, they went out and bought it, then for 3 hrs they wouldn't give it to her (nurses) because they waited for the dr. Then luckily the one elder noticed the doctor prescribed human plasma not non-human. :-( When she got to the new hospital you apparently could see an immediate change with the correct medicine but sadly it was to late.
See More Friday at 8:10am · View Feedback (7) Hide Feedback (7) · Flag
Robert Bailey Doctors, makes you wonder if it's better to just stay home, Jehovah will remember us, it's better than letting those who don't understand kill us. Friday at 9:18am · Flag Michelle Copeland Isn't it aweful how people would rather have a person die just because they refuse blood instead of giving them what they request- non blood products? Friday at 7:51pm · Flag
Betty Locke Jehovah remembers our stand for him and we will see her when she is ressurrected and we will thank her for her integrity when we welcome her back. I hope those that were exposed to the situation understand that she made the right choice to obey the command to obstain from blood! I am also one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Yesterday at 8:01pm · Flag Brooke Elizabeth i agree wtih Robert. However, be willing to have your kids taken away from you and thrown in the hands of foster care who will do it to them anyways - when the state finds out you are neglecting your child - in THEIR eyes if you dont allow them blood etc... 6 hours ago · Flag Brooke Elizabeth i said in their eyes....not ours incase that came out wrong! 6 hours ago · Flag Brooke Elizabeth i may get highly looked at bad for this - but i just want to say - it may also be possible that the doctors were thinking - if you have such respect for life and want to abstain from blood and follow jehovahs laws - why were you killing yourself and taking your life?
It may be possible at that point that they were thinking if your pouring your ... See More blood out and dont respect your life - then we dont care taht your claiming to respect blood as you are taking your own....
i do not agree with this i am just saying that a doctor who does not understand hjehovahs witnesses standpoints - may only be able to see it that way - like "dont be asking me to respect a blood issue when you didnt even respecet bllood"...
its quite possible in their eyes it amy have seemed a ridiculous request considering she was not loving her own blood jehovah gave her so they could not see it her way or from her perspective.
as a sufferer of depression myself i do see it how she does.
i get depressed and sometimes dont want to finish the rest of the time in this system and i used to have suicidal tendencies, but i would still not want to ingest blood.
however the higher point that may have caused confusion is the simple fact that taking your life is not respecting blood and so when she told them she wanted to respect blood they may have been like "WHAT?!"
please dont hate me, its just a small point that from their perspective may have made sense when you consider they were trained to use blood and save lvies - yet heres a patient who did not respect her own blood asking them to do so....just non knowledgeful could cause alot of "come on are you serious?" attitudes in the doctors.
jehovah loves us all remember and im sure the doctors were doing the best that they knew how. it is possible. 6 hours ago · Flag Rose Marie Gonzalez Munguia "Witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood, red cells, white cells, platelets, or blood plasma. As to minor fractions, such as immune globulin, see The Watchtower of June1, 1990, pages 30-1." I don't understand what you are talking about.Human or non-human plasma.Do you know the difference?Are you new in the Truth?That was an unfortunate ... See More experience but it would help to know WHERE and when IT HAPPENED. Was this sister under a doctor's care?Where was her family?Why was she taken to the wrong hospital in the first place?Who found her?Where were her friends?The mind gets sick just like any organs or any part of the body.Was her medical blood card up to date?Jehovah takes all into consideration.We also have articles on this subject.These are all rhetorical questions.I personally think you have a lot your info in error,begining with the NON-HUMAN PLASMA! 49 minutes ago · Flag