Who has more personal integrity? Jw's or XJw's?

by AK - Jeff 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    ATJ's thread is the inspiration for these thoughts. Credit where due.

    His thread about trolls was interesting. I was thinking about the fact that we have these Jw-trolls here on JWN, and on most of the Xjw sites. Why is that? Certainly the moderators could just can them, kick them out. Or censor what they have to say. Or put them all on such restricted status that it would be no fun to be here harassing the membership.

    But Simon has established a policy of tolerance. As long as anyone here [including trolls, active jws, or militant minded lovers or haters or religion] Simon does not can them. As long as they act within decorum that is acceptable for discussion forums, they are allowed to stay. Sometimes to the frustration of the membership.

    Think about that. If any xjw's here went to a pro-jw site, registered, and then began to berate the witnesses, even with logical debate and reason - guess how long we would stay? In fact, I onetime recall seeking to join a jw discussion forum [while I was still a jw], and there was an 'entrance exam' of sorts. I recall that I needed to supply information from the previous weeks watchtower study article to prove I was a Jw before I could join. Wow! I didn't.

    The tolerance of trolls, trouble making Jw's, and those whom we [as a group of xjws] find unpleasant company - speaks volumes of how far we have come. Simon has no 'entrance quiz' to assure that Jw's can't get in and stir the shit. He tolerates viewpoints that differ from his own and that differ from the general populations' viewpoint on the board. I applaud that.

    So, like ATJ, I say; "Bring on the trolls, the mean-assed Jws, the extreme hatred that comes with intolerance." It only shows that from a societal evolutionary standpoint - XJW boards have advanced way beyond those boards operated by close minded individuals and groups that find it pleasurable to attack or to restrict those with open minds and free expression.


  • gubberningbody

    I think that depends on the ratio of knowledge to fidelity.

    Since none of us really know what another person knows, that's a question better left to put to onesself.

    I know that the tipping point came when I could no longer excuse the behavior of the organization as regards the various pronouncements they put out and the effect it had on people I cared about as well as my growing knowledge of the scriptures compared to what they were saying about the scriptures following immediately with the comparison of the organization's publicly advertised history vs the actual history.

    To stay would have required that I relinquish my personal integrity.

    I do believe that no matter how ignorant or dull the average JW, in time he or she will come to the same conclusions.

  • transhuman68

    I think that if anyone stays a JW all their life, through all the doctrinal changes and failed prophecies they must have a desire for (imagined) security greater than their desire for reality.

  • acolytes

    Hi Transhumun

    I think the problem is they like the life within the lie. Therefore doctrinal changes or cutting off frienships with people who become opposers is a small price to pay-


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Don't know if my point got thru.

    My point is that on this board we tolerate difference. On jw boards there is no tolerance. If the jw's want to come here and attack us, fine. But they should allow equal access if they think it is right.

    Feel like I am rambling on this thought without making my point. Sorry. Tired Monday morning and all.


  • OnTheWayOut

    We know that a JW-troll here is disobedient to the leaders. We know that they may learn something here and join us.
    JW's are so paranoid and are pretty sure a troll on a JW chat forum would not join them.

    The JW's that attack us are not the same JW's that don't want to hear from us on pro-JW chats.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Your point was clear, Jeff, to those who read the entire post. It isn't necessarily made in the subject line, though, and apparently a lot of people get hooked on "a" point that comes to mind from a subject rather than consider "the" point the topic starter actually makes.

    I'm with you on the troll issue and tolerance in general. The only thing we don't seem to tolerate here is intolerance. Judgmental posts are quickly addressed by the membership. To a rank and file Dub it might appear that the "inmates are running the asylum" here, but it works well; it works much better than your average JW congregation.

  • tec

    You made your point, Jeff. I was trying to find a way to counter it, since I felt argumentative this morning, but just couldn't manage it.

    Maybe I was too tired, also.

    I don't think tolerance and integrity are the same thing.

    in·teg·ri·ty (n-tgr-t)

    n. 1. Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. 2. The state of being unimpaired; soundness. 3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.

    Personal integrity seems to be adhering to your subscribed moral code. If your moral code approves of intolerance of other belief systems, then the JW's personal integrity is just as intact as someone who believes in and allows tolerance.


  • upnorth

    Integrity is important. With an active Dub integrity would play second to WBATS dogma, therefor invalidating the value of the integrity of the Dub.

    Here in Anchorage I was employed by a well known Dub. He is the owner of a residential insulation company. He's well known as a under handed not to be trusted business owner. I worked for him for a year, because it was all I could stand. He's a liar and a cheat. I know General Contractors that get angry at the mention of his name.

    If it matters his initials are TL

    He would say the initials do not stand for Tony Larma.

    I personally do not have any dealing of any sort with JW's because I know they can't be trusted



    I agree..

    Let the Pro WBT$ Trolls,speak their WBT$ Controlled mind..

    Let the world see,just how weak their arguements are..

    We would never be allowed the same courtesy..

    It would never happen on a Pro WBT$ website..It would never happen in a Kingdom Hall..

    We are living proof of the Value,of Freedom of Speech..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

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