ATJ's thread is the inspiration for these thoughts. Credit where due.
His thread about trolls was interesting. I was thinking about the fact that we have these Jw-trolls here on JWN, and on most of the Xjw sites. Why is that? Certainly the moderators could just can them, kick them out. Or censor what they have to say. Or put them all on such restricted status that it would be no fun to be here harassing the membership.
But Simon has established a policy of tolerance. As long as anyone here [including trolls, active jws, or militant minded lovers or haters or religion] Simon does not can them. As long as they act within decorum that is acceptable for discussion forums, they are allowed to stay. Sometimes to the frustration of the membership.
Think about that. If any xjw's here went to a pro-jw site, registered, and then began to berate the witnesses, even with logical debate and reason - guess how long we would stay? In fact, I onetime recall seeking to join a jw discussion forum [while I was still a jw], and there was an 'entrance exam' of sorts. I recall that I needed to supply information from the previous weeks watchtower study article to prove I was a Jw before I could join. Wow! I didn't.
The tolerance of trolls, trouble making Jw's, and those whom we [as a group of xjws] find unpleasant company - speaks volumes of how far we have come. Simon has no 'entrance quiz' to assure that Jw's can't get in and stir the shit. He tolerates viewpoints that differ from his own and that differ from the general populations' viewpoint on the board. I applaud that.
So, like ATJ, I say; "Bring on the trolls, the mean-assed Jws, the extreme hatred that comes with intolerance." It only shows that from a societal evolutionary standpoint - XJW boards have advanced way beyond those boards operated by close minded individuals and groups that find it pleasurable to attack or to restrict those with open minds and free expression.