Zone Visits in Europe May and June, start of the CO/DO changes

by JWFreak 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Yeah, zone visit.....{yawn}

    The most exciting bit of news discussed will be the peak number of Bible Studies reported for the month of July in Twanzanboozibar.

    Most if not all of JWFreak's rather sensational claims have fallen flat.

    Let's face it, creativity and original thinking are viewed with suspicion at best, more likely hostility, at all levels of the JW organization.

    I think the biggest change we can expect over the next few decades is maybe changing the length of the Bible Reading Highlights from 10 to 11 minutes.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I attended a CA a few weeks ago. They announced that all the COs were being rotated next year (in the US) rather than 1/3 every year as has been done in the past. I seriously doubt they make any significant changes but those rumors from a few years ago may end up panning out.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Are they ho-hum affairs, Sir? I've never been to one before, and I'm debating whether or not I will attend. I went to an assembly hall dedication not too long ago, and that was truly a waste of time. Watching my toenails grow would have been more interesting.

  • metatron

    Keep in mind that these sort of rumors sometimes represent moves by various factions within the organization. I have continually argued that the Watchtower Society has a liability problem with C.O.'s in particular. Their chain of command is little different from the Catholic Church but they lack the Catholic's financial resources.

    I feel that all this COBE crap instead of a P.O. is just more effort to conceal their liability problem and deceive people into thinking that JW congregations are actually autonomous. Because of their greediness for control, the C.O. change may have been canceled, at least for now.


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