For instance, when my oldest refused to stand for the flag salute, her whole class sympathetically sat it out, also.
I think it might be a generational thing.
I was 9 when my parents started studying and was very gung-ho about 'serving Jehovah with accurate knowledge'. When holiday activities came along at school, I would ask to modify the project For example, paint a regular tree with snow instead of christmas tree with decorations. Or 'why I don't celebrate christmas instead of a report on holiday traditions, etc.
When there were parties, we either stayed home for a few hours or I went to the office and 'helped'. I became a great helper. There were also some other special projects that were given to me in lieu of holiday celebrations.
YEARS later (maybe 15 years after graduation from high school) I went back and visited a few of the teachers. One of the guidance counselors and I spoke for awhile. He told me that my brother and I actually paved a way toward tolerance in the school system. We were the ONLY JWs in the whole district and the only American kids that had a different culture. Their ability to adapt to our 'culture' helped them when an influx of Japanese and Chinese kids moved in during the following years.
I should add that while most of the teachers and administrators were 'understanding', there were a handful that were not. THOSE did make my time with them stressful and uncomfortable.