Try again...DC 2010 Discourse 48

by JWFreak 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot





    There is no copyright on the page.......

    If somebody is interested in taking out a page......please wait until the Sunday paper of the DC to wreak maximum havoc!

    If you have a DC in May.....please circulate the page discreetly for maximum benefit.....

    As we all know it is one thing to 'hear' and quite another to see it in black and white print!

  • pirata

    Thank You, JWFreak!

    I find this phrase especially interesting:

    "To Illustrate: F. W. Franz was born in 1893, baptized in 1913, and thus alive to discern "the sign" in 1914.

    I wonder if they are implying here that you need to have been baptized in order to have discerned "the sign"?

  • wannabefree

    Thanks Freak!

    Irritating though how it is stated as such concrete fact.

    Poker face bluff I guess.

    And you know the majority will just nod their heads and talk about how close we must be and how this is so exciting and makes so much sense.

  • logic

    You think they would finally give up on this. It just gets worse and worse. I asked my die hard wife

    if she has any idea what the new light is. She did repeat it to me as they say, but added that it

    left it open ended. And I said , so that means that the generation thing doesn't mean anything

    any more? and I left it that.

    I think that was the whole idea. Make the generation thing meaningless. They will probably just stop now

    and not bring it up again.

    I really believe my wife is starting to see the real light. I just don't argue anymore. I just bring up things

    once in while, and let her think on it, that way she doesm't go off like a crrazy person.

  • sir82
    You think they would finally give up on this.

    That's what I can't figure out.

    They are really hammering away on this:

    -- 4/15 WT study article

    -- Mentioned again in the 6/15 WT

    -- Stressed in CO talks

    -- Stressed in DC talks

    -- I think I remember someone saying it was stressed in a CA talk

    Why is it so god-awful important for them to keep pushing a doctrine that you would think would be a major embarrassment to them? You'd think that their 4th working definition for "generation" in 15 years would be announced in a footnote to a non-study WT article and promptly forgotten about. Instead they mention it just about monthly for at least 6 months.

    Why? What's the point? So they changed the definition again - great, now what? What do they expect the R&F to do now?

  • pirata
    Why is it so god-awful important for them to keep pushing a doctrine that you would think would be a major embarrassment to them?

    Perhaps on the principle that if you say something enough times then people start to believe it.

  • yknot

    HOLD UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Problem with the OUTLINE !!!!

    Somebody get hold of Barbara Anderson stat!!!

    Outline say Unkle Fred was dipped in 1913.......but (HUGE BUT AT THAT!) but what does the WT say? May I draw the Bethel Lurker's attention now to .....

    *** w87 5/1 p. 25 Looking Back Over 93 Years of Living *** (ie Fred's Life Story)

    He said: “I knew it! I knew it! Just as soon as I saw you reading that Russell stuff. That man, Russell, I wouldn’t allow him to step inside my door!” He then added: “Fred, don’t you think we had better step up to my vestry and have prayer together?” I told him: “No, Dr. Watson, I’ve made up my mind.”
    With that, Albert and I walked out of the church. What a glorious feeling it was to be free from bondage to a religious system that was teaching falsehoods! How good it was to be taken into the congregation of the International Bible Students, who were so loyal to God’s Word! On April 5, 1914, in Chicago, Illinois, I symbolized my consecration—as we used to call dedication—by water baptism

  • undercover
    Recent clarification of Matthew 24:34 underscores that we are living deep in the time of the end


    Recent clarification?

    Oh, I get it, it just smacks of the ultimate in hubris....they use this term as if to say that the GB had a godly vision the holy spirit gave them new insight. And all god's little dubbies are supposed to "ooooh" and "aaaaah" at this so-called new revelation...

    ...which is the same old shit they've been shoveling for 50+ years.

    And the whole "generation" explanation is beyond comprehension. It just boggles the mind. But...they've been training dubs to not think for decades now, so they'll probably pull it off with only minor casualties.

  • chickpea

    thank you so much for the head's up on the
    newest of new light and its clear as mud
    expanation of .... what exactly is being spewed?

    i tried to read it but all i could see was blah blah blah

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    "Franz ... alive to discern "the sign" in 1914"

    He didn't though. He missed it completely. Below is from page 83 of the 1918 March 1 ZG Watchtower

    But .... all the faithful Dubbies will sit there nodding and sucking it up.

    I bet none of them bother to tell me about it, after trying to ram their old single generation doctrine down my throat for 57 years.

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