Regularly Visited a rehab facility for the disabled and infirm, all ages. The joy from this was amazing.
My family volunteered to feed people. Helped out at a Thanksgiving dinner and we served an elder and his wife. They did not say hi or thank you, possibly because they should not have been tere.
A very patient friend taught me how to use a computer and get on the internet.
Attended a Junior college. I dropped out of school because a worldly education was of no value. I was of the 1975 generation.
Graduated JC with honors and was elected commencement speaker.
Tutored college students in speech class ( Years of giving talks helped me become a very good speaker).
Attended a university. Stopped to start a coffee business that has expanded and is doing well.
I have been able to love my sons for who they are rather than for what the WTBS wanted them to be. In return we are very close.
All three of my sons have taken college classes.
I have helped many people in different ways that I would not of before, unless they would take magazines or a bible stuidy.
I have learned to be spiritual rather than religious.