Are you really drawn to a God who wants to kill you?

by hamsterbait 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • hamsterbait

    The Question a JW will ask at the doors is often

    "Have you ever wondered why the world is in such turmoil?"

    Of course their "answer" is that a snake told a naked lady to eat some fruit 6 000 years ago, and as a result God views us all as unworthy of life. He has it in for ME personally for smething an ancestor I never met had done.

    If you met a potential spouse, who threatened to kill you unless you pandered to his every whim, told him he is wonderful, and obliterated your own reality to justify his - would you LOVE that person, let alone Marry? Wouldnt that be entering into a grossly abusive relationship?

    Do you think that is why fundie cults are so abusive of their members?

    The Witchtower religion refuses to respect its members dignity, privacy, or intellectual honesty.

    They INSIST on knowing if you play with yourself (not allowed AT ALL) what you do in the bedroom with your loved one. Whether you doubt them. And the consequences are DIRE?

    I remember months ago being at a token meeting.

    They launched into internet porn, "self-abuse" and other things. They dont bother consulting parents of young kids if they want their children to hear this stuff.

    They didnt ask me if I wanted to sit and hear this excruciatingly embarrassing stuff with a ten year old sitting beside me.

    They didnt ask if I wanted something to comfort me, rather than make me feel bad about myself.

    Do you think I am being too extreme calling this "MIND RAPE"?


  • changeling

    No. I'm not. :)

  • VoidEater

    Not any more. I overcame my self-loathing and need to be controlled by a micromanager in the sky.

  • zoiks

    Are you really drawn to a God who wants to kill you?


    Do you think I am being too extreme calling this "MIND RAPE"?


    The organization is abusive, just like its hero.

  • gubberningbody

    I'm not. I don't have Stockholm Syndrome.

  • mindmelda

    I was under the impression that it's life itself that results in death.

    But no, Gods who do that crush kill and destroy thing hold no interest for me, whether they be called Cthulu, Jehovah or the Stay Puff Marshmallow man.

  • WTWizard

    No--and, additionally I am not drawn to Gods that stifle my satisfaction with rules or with circumstances (or both), who want me to grow old and die celibate just so He can get His fxxxing kicks, or that expect me to be a resource for others to freely exploit. He should have just went ahead and created a robot that just does what I am supposed to do, that's how He feels about me.

    And He wonders why I view Him as an Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

  • glenster

    "Have you ever wondered why the world is in such turmoil?"

    No. Common human selfishness is unfortunately all too appropriately named.
    I've been around people who did hurtful things, and I wish at the worst it
    was by someone you had to have faith is even there. I like faith in God,
    though--it depends how you do it. I wouldn't start with the JWs leaders'
    example. Normally I'd figure it's silly to worry that an atheist is troubled
    by a threat from God because it's an oxymoron, but I'm not surprised if the
    JWs leaders manage to pull it off. Sounds like them.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    My Qigong Teacher calls it "Soul Rape"


  • dogon

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