I recall this new arrangement. That means you can feel free to grab as many as you can get away with (pretending you are going to place them en masse), and then shred them (I recommend getting a $200 shredder if you plan on doing this a lot, because you will be generating lots of confetti). This will waste lots of money that otherwise could have been spent building Kingdumb Hells in Third World countries or getting littera-trash in those countries to start studies. Never donate anything for what you pick up!
It also creates shortages in the congregation. Say, there is a box of 1,000 Washtowels and 1,000 Asleeps. That supply has to last all month. If you take 500 of each, that leaves only 500 for everyone else--and it has to last all month. Do not return any of the rags--shred them instead. When they run out, simply lie and tell them about all you placed at your local church group or whatever group you can fake. You should also turn in a fake time slip reporting the time it would reasonably take to disseminate this quantity of rags at such a group if you are going to do this. You might place a single hour or two with the placement of 1,000 rags at a big event--going to a big rock or rap show is a good way to get a quick two fake hours and a fake 1,000 placements (of course, even if you actually attend the event, you placed nothing except confetti in your recycling bin).
Then, when they run out of rags to place in field circus, they are going to have to use other littera-trash. That ought to waste their supply of Washtowel Teach books on people that are not really that interested, or their wastes of paper. If that happens, another fake placement at a bogus event ought to make them run out of that littera-trash, too. At which point, people will have the options of staying home, using up their old (complete with outdated light) littera-trash, or using the Bible and just the Bible.