Who apologize more to the opposite sex? Men or Women?
by asilentone 25 Replies latest social relationships
I'm sorry, were we supposed to answer this one? hehe
The gender who realizes that not all battles are won by clear and concise victories versus slow and steady infiltration........
Whichever one is horniest feeling the most romantic.
It is a well known fact that women never admit to being wrong - so why would they apologize? (In the UK we spell... apologise)
Many men fall back on thinking 'She will get over it'..........
Of course she doesn't and it all come back up in a later disagreement......
The best apologies are sincere, believable and followed by mind-numbing deep kisses that make you forget why you were angry at him in the first place.
Gladiator is right, women never admit to being wrong. Even when they go a round about way of admitting some error on their part, they have a steady supply of convenient excuses. "I wasn't feeling well." "You know how I get during that time of the month." "My mother was sick."
They truly are a fascinating species.
Glad and Misery...have just pissed off their womenfolk beyond apology evidently :)
Maybe apology ratios aren't divided by gender rather personality type.......
41 years and I've got to be way ahead on apologies. Of course my wife would tell me that it's because I do more things that are wrong. I'm sorry but I think she is wrong as much as me or, I'm sorry to say she may be wrong even more times then me.
Hey I just realized I (apologised) UK spelling, twice in this post chalk up two more for me.