I saw a similar post on this board once. But I wonder if anyone can use ONLY the Bible and answer the following questions:
Why do trees and animals die, since they didn't sin?
Who got the ransom, atonement or whatever it is called?
Why did that ransom, atonement, whatever... had to be paid?
In what way does the death of a man "does away" with the sins of all others, since those others still have to toe the line and obey Jehovah, OR ELSE?
Why did the Jews lose the status of God's Chosen People, to be just another group of people God might save IF THEY OBEY?
If you have to obey Jehovah to be saved, and he is all-powerful, why did Jesus have to die?
Who said we don't have to stone people to death, for example?
Why did Jesus NOT appear to everyone else after he came back from the dead, and instead chose the difficult way and appeared only before a few, his true believers, instead of appearing to a non-believer who would thus provide a more credible witness to other people?
Why do we still have to die if Jesus died for our sins?
Where is Elijah now? How did he appear to Jesus in the company of Moses, since he is presumably still alive?
Why were Joseph and Mary afraid that Herod might kill the baby Jesus, considering that all prophecies had to be fulfilled, and we can't hold God not to get his prophecies straight and let any minuscule event get in the way?
I'm sure there I could find more nonsense if I tried. Would anyone comment on this?