while i like alward's arguments and agree with the basic points, there is some over-simplification here. for one thing, brooklyn *did* publish an official explanation with instructions to use the wording provided, which we see in the other two letters. the portuguese letter antedated this and thus differs.
another thing that should be remembered is the very broad WT definition of 'humanitarian aid.' everyone's asking, 'what humanitarian aid? i thought the preaching work was the sole purpose of the WT.' but you see, according to the WT, that *is* the humanitarian aid, for the most part. the publishing of human rights issues to a broad readership in the Awake! especially is the primary example. now you might take issue with just how much that qualifies as 'humanitarian' or 'aid' but that's how they see it. since the UN library materials were evidently used principally in the preparation of Awake! articles, both explanations are consistent.
i love how people mock JWs who fear demons behind everyone and everything that opposes them in any way, be they apostate, scientist, politician, movie, toy, or bad weather but turn around and accuse anyone who profers a less than total condemnation of the WT of being a WT lawyer. i really love this. its precisely the same thinking.