What dawned on me at one point was the actual "value" of a morning spent in going door-to-door, meeting attendance and so on.
For example:
Being working people, my husband and I together had the earning potential of about $70/hour - at that point in time. Two hours in field service cost us (because we CAN work just about whenever we like, he being self-employed, and me working as a nurse in a hospital) $140.
Using our vehicle for field service, averaged approximately 40 km for the same two-hour period. My husband's business (for sake of reference) reimburses his mileage on the vehicle at a rate of $0.35/km. 40km x $0.35/km = $14.00
Those two figures combined total $154.00/week, or approximately $8000/year.
Of course, we had to have special clothes for meeting attendance, since we had really no other reason to dress up as though we were going to a special occasion three times a week. Our clothing and footwear expenses alone that were specifically for meetings and service (including our children) easily amounted to $2000/year.
Now, I'm not complaining about the expense per se, however, the WTS thinks NOTHING of putting the burden of these expenses on a family. When I volunteer my time someplace, they keep a record of it, and every now and then receive an acknowledgement of some kind for the contribution of my time and personal resources. Not so the WTS. Being a charitable organization, they could issue charitable donation receipts for such 'volunteer' work. But no. They want all the tax deductions FOR THEMSELVES. They don't give a hoot that they could have helped less fortunate JWs by issuing a receipt for their volunteered time and effort and wear and tear on their personal vehicles and the clothing they have exclusively for use in advancing "Kingdom Interests". $10,000 a year savings could go toward a family making a downpayment on a home of their own, instead of having to pay rent. $10,000 a year covers a heck of a lot of post secondary education expenses. Yet, the WTS is willing to wiggle through every loophole they can find in order to keep from paying Caesar's things to Caesar. When it comes to their followers, it's tough luck, Brother and Sister, just keep putting money in the contribution boxes...
Once we figured out how much we were "contributing" on 'advertising the King and his Kingdom', we decided that it was contribution enough. We actually STOPPED putting money in the boxes, unless we had some that was collected as donations from going door-to-door. We started returning magazines to the KH that we didn't place when in service, saying that the pioneers could use them as 'sample copies'. (Besides, I was glad to have the extra space in my closets )
Maybe it's time every JW started doing the same. MONEY is the only "language" the organization understands, and if people start putting the screws to the WTS in this manner, they're going to collapse eventually.
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63
A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91