wondering if I know anyone on this board

by just a reader 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • just a reader
    just a reader

    haha CyberJ! thanks for answering everyone.

  • asilentone

    just a reader, if you want to use PM (private message), go to the upper right corner and click on the envelope. I am fairly sure that you can navigate around from that point on.

  • freeflyingfaerie

    I was wondering that too. It would be great to meet up w people close by, that means you Las Vegas ex-dubbys

  • asilentone

    If you want to know who is from Las Vegas, you can start a new thread.

  • crazyblondeb

    I'll be in las vegas in july...would luv to meet up...but i'll post the dates later, not sure right now!

  • freeflyingfaerie

    Thanks. good point

  • freeflyingfaerie

    crazyblondeb , would be great.

  • jamiebowers

    Just a Reader, a poster who goes by exgileadmissionary is from NY. He's publicaly posted his first name, which is Lance...I'm uncertain if he ever publically posted his last name, but he's made several You Tube videos. Dos he sound familiar to you? Kyria Lydia Abraham who wrote the book, "I'm Perfect, You're Doomed" lives in NY. She's on Face Book.

    FreeFlyingFaerie, there's a JWN poster that isits LV a lot. I think his screen name is whahappening or something like that.

  • Snoozy

    Jamie, do you mean Awakened at Gilead?

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