I divorced my husband for cheating on me that is why i left him. I came home from visiting family two days early and found him in bed with someone else. I left him but he blamed me for everything and then when I thought I could go back to the kingdom hall they told me that they called my husband and he said he didnt do anything. Well, according to the articles that they put out they werent even supposed to do that and it was up to me and God. make a long story short they blamed me for appearing to date my best friend. Said I shouldnt have a close relationship with a man that isnt my husband and I was babysitting his daughter and they said I was using it as an excuse to be with my best friend. Which wasnt the case but I ended up being removed from the congregation which I didnt do anything but they insist I have but yet they keep changing the reason why they d.f.'d me in the first place. It has changed so many times. they wouldnt let me go back my parents were my way there cause I have a neurological disease and I cant drive so they were taking me and then the elders told them that they couldnt do anything for me so I ended up losing everything my apartment my job my everything and the only one that took me in was my best friend and he got removed for hanging around with me. I guess i dont understand the motives when the articles and the bible say one thing and the elders in this congregation does something completely different. I was just wondering if anyone had any insight on this or if you understand what I am talking about. I have been divorce from my husband since 2006 I got removed in 2007 which i thought was odd. I have confessions and witnesses to him admitting to cheating on me and gave them a picture of him and his girlfriend yet they told me it wasnt good enough and then I recently tried to talk to them again and they were like are you staying with your friend still and I was like yeah I have no where else to go and they were like end of discussion and I was like no it isnt. and I showed them tons of proof and they were like I dont know who that is. It is funny cause they should seeing that one of the two elders had dinner at my ex in laws house at least once a month and he told me I could have planted that photo and evidence that i made it up. but I think it is because this elder hates me. Because a couple of other people got divorced and all they had was a letter saying that there husband or wife cheated and they are remarried already. it is confusing to me. Hopefully someone can makes since out of this cause I cant.....And i am not really sure whether I want to go back. I am hurt by what they have done.
ok I have a question for anyone who can answer me about this......
by queenbella 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You shouldn't go back because it's all bunk anyways.
Isn't love supposed to be one of the characteristics of true christians? I'd say witnesses are the worst example of this - not even given the extreme nature of your 'complaint'. But truth be known, there's far worse with child molesters in congregations that repeatedly offend.
I'd suggest doing some research on this group and see if petting lions for eternity with other nitwits is what you really want.
Welcome to the forum. Now that you are out, my advice is; never go back. You won't miss out on anything.
Perhaps you being out is the best thing you could be. Analyze the religion and test if its worth it to go back. They are under mind control, why do you want to go back?
I am sorry to have to meet you under such stressful circumstances.......
Here is the deal........
Your Elders value him more than you.....
He has a friend on the BOE who was either on your committee or was of great influence .....
The Elders believe your husband when he told them it was all your fault.
He probably said you were cheating on him with BFF
....... many, many, many congregations operate this way........
There is no way in which you will win.
I suppose you could appeal to the CO, DO, and later Branch for them to intercede.....but you better be willing to trade several years of your life in servitude via uber-FS.
So lets start dealing with what you can do, what you wanna do..........
(((((( HUGS )))))))
I want to add.....
This probably is all still very 'raw'......
But things will get better once you get some distance and perspective....
I would like to hear what your BFF and roommate has to say on the subject.....(would he consider joining the forum too?)
What Shamus, Y'Knot, Transhuman and CyberJesus said...
There is no logic nor justice in a - dare I say it? Cult. As CyberJesus said, it's all about mind control, not fairness, not true Christian love nor fellowship nor brother/sisterhood.
Please feel free to peruse the subjects on this forum... The "Search" engine works reasonably well; you might want to start out with the topic title: "My story", as you would probably get many 'hits' on what has happened to other Jehovah's Witnesses that you WEREN'T told within your Kingdom Hall meetings...
Dirt tends to be shoved under the rug...
Check out Lady Lee's story; check out Jamie Bower's story; check out Oompa's stories... You'll realize you're not alone..
And that, if THEY can get thru it (and they have!), so can YOU...
Oh... and
Queenbella you will never be able to make sense of it. Best advise I can give you is forget about it and get busy making a new life for yourself. A life well lived is the best revenge and you are the one who benifits from it as it should be.
Go make a good life and don't look back, you have and can make a great future for yourself.
Welcome Queenbella! I'm so sorry for all your stress. Great suggestions from everyone. Please don't let a bunch of imperfect men ruin your life. You know what happened and that is all that matters. You have not been shown love. Before you make any decisions - step back, do some research and give yourself time to process things. You deserve to be happy and to do what is right for you.
I wish you all the best!
Count your blessings.
If you still love God, or Jehovah, or whatever name you use, ask yourself "Would he really use an organization that appointed such cold, bumbling dolts as those elders?"
Be glad you are out. Now build a life for yourself.