Absolutism assumes that all humans everywhere need exactly the same things, have the same situation and feel the same about everything.
That's simply not true, and probably why there will never be a world wide religion or philosophy that suits everyone. The Witnesses are only able to achieve the appearance of "universal brotherhood", by which they mean uniformity of teaching and thought, by very strict control of thought and imput, and even then, it's mere appearance.
Thank you. May I piggy back off that thought to isay that the idea of Orthodoxy that Rufus drops on this idea of the JW cult is also misguided? Since it seems clear (correct me someone) that for approximately 15 years after Jesus died the early Christians didn't have a council to establish the intricate doctrines that let us know who to burn at the stake and who to elect pope. Therefore the council that convened in Nicea @ 325 C.E. had nothing good to say to Christians. Not then, not now.
Absolutism is religion. Religion is absolutism.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Any edict that is determined by committee, an "official" committee, Is worthless.
Any time Christians get "cornered-up" (as they say around the Ozarks) and told that to be "orthodox" they have to believe so-and-soit is wrong.
Rufus may be on the right track in some ways but he is all wrong about that Trinity stuff.
Most folks that buy into the Trinity have no trouble at all shooting the shit out of each other under orders from what-ever-government tells them to do so. Think about it. So that ain't universal brotherhood neither.
If God is a God worth his salt he is a lot more wild and open than "governing bodies" and Councils of ???? suggest. It isn't that God doesn't have standards , but he is not stupid.
Religious absolutism is anti-God.