A Plea to JWs That Are Attending This Year's District Convention...

by Tuesday 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    This is my plea to active Jehovah's Witnesses attending the District Convention who are about to hear the change of the generation doctrine...


    Hope everyone enjoys it.

  • luna2

    Well, I certainly enjoyed it...but then I was at this point ten years ago. Hope it reaches a few who are ready to unshackle themselves!

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    Amen brother! If people buy this new overlapping bullshit, I have no pity for them. It's the most egregious example ever of the Watchtower expecting its adherents to swallow any new understanding no matter how patently ridiculous it is.

  • carla

    I wonder if I am the only one who has fantasies of tying my jw up and making him watch video after video until he get it? yeah, I know the old ways of deprograming don't work but one can dream can't we?

  • Growingup

    I watched this yesterday... great video!

  • luna2

    Sadly, carla, I think with JWs, you have to wait for their brains to progress to the point that they finally realize for themselves what a load of junk it all is. Until then, they are caught in the loop of We're All Imperfect Humanoids/Wait on Jehovah/The End is Near, which continually resets their bullshit meter. Just got to wait for it to finally overload one day.

  • WTWizard

    Even if I get forced to sit through the Grand Boasting Session, I will not believe this "a generation". It is as ridiculous as the Trinity could ever possibly be. (Yet, they bash the Trinity.)

    If I get forced into it for whatever reason, I will remember that Jesus said explicitly that "a generation" simply means the people that are born at approximately the same time, or the direct descendents of one's parents. You cannot string generations like strings of Christmas lights and expect to reach Armageddon that way--even as it stands, there could be as much as 120 years per generation. The longest lasting of those born in 1914 could live 120 years, reaching 2034. Then, someone born in 2034 could also live 120 years, reaching 2154. This means we have 144 years to spread the cancer to the whole world, and several generations of children are going to be deprived of a decent life because of this crap.

    Now, why would it take such undivided effort to reach everyone in 144 years? What other news events have become worldwide and taken 144 years to do so? Did it take 144 years for the news about Greece's problems to become global? The oil mess in the Gulf? Katrina? The release of Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver? I don't think so--and, if the simple release of another Pokemon game takes less than 144 years for everyone in the world to hear about it, why would something as important as your life? At most, it should become global within a few days or weeks, not wasting more than 100 years of people's lives.

    For the record, I believe that "a generation" as Jesus spoke about then were those around in 33 AD, and the end (of the Jewish system, which was what was promised) came in 70 AD.

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    GREAT, I love it!

    Stop the crazy! Rescue your kids and grandkids and great grandkids from the parasite that sucks away your life!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Good video, although you look a bit scary when you open wide your eyes and get closer to the camera. You look like a crazy apostate!

  • Cagefighter

    The funny thing is they love to dissect and examine the literal means of the orginal language in the bible. Now they play games with the word "generation" do they understand Jesus didn't speak english....

    I appreciate your "zeal" Brutha Tuesday but people are going to believe what they want to believe not what makes sense.

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