How Do You Feel Being Thought Of As An "Apostate"?

by minimus 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • misguided

    I love it. At first, as I discovered I was technically, in JW land an "apostate" I felt evil and somewhat terrified. Now that I realize the true defintion, I know its a good thing.

    When JWs have to deal with me at work, I try to be really civil. Sometimes I can see on their faces, or by their little comments, that they just don't understand how an "apostate" can be so happy and grounded.

  • Finally-Free

    Who cares what shit thinks?


  • minimus

    FF, you ALWAYS have such a way with words.

  • finallyfree!

    Its basically the same as trying to reason with a mentally insane person. You simply cannot! In their heads they're right and that's all that matters. They have the watchtower society and everyone who's not a part of them will all be destroyed at armaggedon! I think I'll take my chances on the outside better to die free then live a slave!

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    One of the things we settled on before we left was the big A word. It is such a scary word when you're indoctrinated. Once we examined the word, broke it down to its parts, turned it on its head, we realized we could handle it. If it comes to that.

    As of yet, no one has approached us about leaving or asked our reasons...... so no "apostate" title for us.

    lol @ F-F and luna2

    and here here FF!

  • shamus100

    I don't care what mentally deranged people think I am - I am self-actualized and know what I am.

    Apostate? Um, whatevah! I do what a want!

    Kiss me!

  • Heaven

    Does it bother me? Not in the least. That word conjures images of wallpaper paste or Elmer's glue in my mind. I don't get offended by glue.

    Elmer's Glue

  • minimus
  • Scully

    It's called poisoning the well, minimus. Apostateā„¢ is a label that refers to someone who is no longer under the authority of the WTS. In other words, we are FREE and they are not. They call us rebels, when really we are freedom fighters against their religious oppression. They oppress JWs by denying them the freedom to live a normal life, to befriend who they want, to become as educated as they want, to love who they want, to live where they want, to earn as much money and material prosperity as they want, and because we reject that ideology, they are terrified that we will open the eyes of others who are similarly oppressed. That's why they do it... they are terrified of us and the freedom we represent.

    It's a badge of honour, imo.

  • minimus

    we're the boogey-man.

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