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Watchtower's PR pieces springing up today
by Dogpatch 26 Replies latest jw friends
Gordy, My JW Mom has "Holy Bible" engraved on the cover of the NWT
judge rutherFRAUD
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
THE WATCHTOWER destroyes families, if a family member wants to leave the jw’s. They throw family into the street, break up marriages, let children die needing blood tranfusions. I would think David Reed would have said much worst about the WTS. than you published. the only reason the watchtower mag’s are free today is because in feb. 1990 the calfi. surpreme court said religions will have to PAY SALES TAX ON BOOKS/MAG;S. watchtower mag’s had a 25 cents price on each mag, that cost the wts about 3 cents a piece to print paper,ink,slave labor and all. FUNNY in march 1990 JEHOVAH TOLD THE WATCHTOWER TO GO TO DONATIONS??? jw’s call every other religion/people followers of the DEVIL AND TEACH GOD WILL KILL ALL NON JW’S WATCHTOWER Officials Pellechia and Wischuck are BOLD FACED LAIRS they are well aware that the wts prints lies, misquotes other author’s/ newspapers, scientists, doctors, religions just to get their point across, which is intellectual dishonesty. jw’s are banned from reading other religions books. Did Pellechia tell you that the WATCHTOWER in the last 6 years threw out into the street 1000+ 20-50 year full time bethelite workers. That were paid anywhere from $14-$120 A MONTH. Many of which spent their whole adult life slaving in a printing factories, without a dime in thier pocket ,no social security or benefits. After the watchtower uses up your best years they just dump you off at the bus station with a ticket to PALOOKAVILLE. While WTS leaders like Pellechia live like kings traveling all around the world taking GREEN HANDSHAKES from jw’s that worship these CON ARTISTS. what a scam these LEADERS OF THE WATCHTOWER HAVE GOING… tHIS IS WHAT i COMMENTED ON DOGPATCH'S FIRST LINK. JUST INCASE they zap me. Yes Moshe the judge is ready willing and able to study with anyone you sent to me. is it going to be thoses jw's from glendale ny you never know Frank the jw in the article may get lucky and have a talk with the judge soon.
I stand corrected.
Judge, great comment!
I have no patience for people to 'normalize' the cult. It's not normal, it's not cool. Those that can stand lies or who just have too much to lose are stuck in it - and I can accept that. Those people that think it's normal and will make a folksy news-story are dead wrong!
The following is an WT graphic artist's rendition of the JWN Tag Team duo, Moshe (L-wearing a bad toupe') & Johnny Cip (R-loves chinese food) getting ready to beat some JW's at their own game.
My comments at the first link in Randy's post are still awaiting moderation. I suspect it won't get passed. I also posted them at the Get Religion link, the 2nd one in Randy's post but they yanked it. I didn't think it was overly inappropriate. Here's what I wrote:
When I was 6 years old, I was being told the following type of information by the Watchtower and Jehovah’s Witnesses:
Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15
“If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. … Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in highschool and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way toward its finish, if not actually gone!”
I am now 46 years old and just celebrated my 25th work anniversary. The fulfillment of the Armageddon prophecy of the Watchtower has had a 100% failure rate.
Most Jehovah’s Witnesses know nothing of the origins and history of their religion. To find out more about what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, go to http://www.jwfacts.com.
At the second link in Randy's post (Get Religion), the people who posted these articles are not interested in Jehovah's Witnesses so much as they are interested in strictly 'journalism'. Here are the last 2 entries:
Mad Sweeney says:
May 16, 2010, at 6:44 pmSo the topic is journalism. Ok.
Journalism can be used as a tool to inform, a tool to influence, or a tool to manipulate and indoctrinate others using psychological thought reform. Two of these three uses of a journal are legitimate, the third is unethical and dangerous. Which of these does The Watchtower use most often?
- Sarah Pulliam Bailey says:
May 16, 2010, at 7:55 pmMad Sweeney, we’re considering this particular piece in the The New York Review of Magazines about The Watchtower, whether the reporter covered the facts, portrayed the magazine fairly, what questions were unanswered etc. We’re not discussing The Watchtower itself here.
wonder if i should post there about the brother (still in good standing) who got a year in jail (white rock congregation, canada)
for beating the carp out of his wife
and just very recently spent a week in las vegas with his worldy (alcoholic) brother
nah, dont want to grieve their holy spirit
(sorry, guys, i still have a few issues i am working on, lol)
I got deleted- apparently the editors of Getreligion don't like criticism or a challenge-
May 16, 2010, at 8:51 pm
Sarah Pulliam Bailey,
I wrote to the Indianapolis Star newspaper (your family paper) at least three times asking them to do a story about the Jehovah's Witness pedophile scandal. Nothing was heard from them, but I did notice the Star never failed to report a story about Catholic priests being exposed for sexual child abuse. I have a negative bias towards newspaper reporters who write stories about the Watchtower and about Jehovah's Witnesses. We have seen thousands of stories about quick build Kingdom halls, but reporters don't ask the JW elders, "why no quick build soup kitchen/homeless shelter"? "Why no public charities in exchange for your tax exempt status"? "Why do you destroy the lives of Jw's who publicly leave your religion"? "Why do you kill yourselves and your kids over a false no-blood transfusion dogma that even a Jewish Rabbi could prove was based on a false interpretation of OT Bible laws".
Journalists could ask plenty of good questions, but they don't. I am wondering, if they are either scared to ask unpleasant questions, poorly trained/educated or their editor has another agenda. Either way, the public is being harmed by inept journalism. Now, I will await a real investigative story about Jehovah's Winesses by you, Sarah, and I know your family newspaper will be the first to print it. A JW child who needs a blood transfusion is fated to die this year, that might live, if only you would write a real investigative story.