New Creation Book

by God_Delusion 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • God_Delusion


    I was recently informed (on JWN) that plans to publish a new Creation Book were well ahead. Is this true? If so, can anyone clarify this for me?



  • yknot

    The only think I know of are two brochures being released on Friday afternoon at this year's DC....

    Was Life Created?

    The Origin of Life- Five questions worth asking?

  • Bangalore

    Any PDF's yet?


  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    Yes, a PDF would be most welcome. If anyone has an actual copy and would be willing to part with it, I'd be happy to pay more than it's worth!

  • highdose

    ... its not worth anything! except as a work of pure fiction!

  • out4good3

    gothic fiction

  • serenitynow!

    "Yes, a PDF would be most welcome. If anyone has an actual copy and would be willing to part with it, I'd be happy to pay more than it's worth!"

    Shepherd book- do you want any other lit? If you're paying, I've got a huge box full of old crap!

  • neverendingjourney

    The Creation book is what sold me on JWism...I was 15 at the time and didn't have the necessary critical thinking skills to recognize the nonsense in it.

    I've often wondered if the Society would take on such an ambitious project again. For one, we are now in the age of the internet and a new creationism book is certain to receive widespread public scrutiny. Also, science has advanced a lot in the 25-30 since the Creation book first came out, so the many of the arguments in that book would have to be tossed out. For instance, they try to debunk the archeological finds by saying that only a few specimens of what scientists purport to be human ancestors exist. Those fossils now number in the hundreds.

  • Cadellin

    Neverending, I suspect that the answer lies in the titles of these new publications:

    Was Life Created?

    The Origin of Life- Five questions worth asking?

    It's my guess that they're going to try attacking evolution via abiogenesis. If they stick to the game plan they've used before, a classic bait-and-switch. They'll confuse the two issues (which are entirely different fields of study, something most JWs would never discern) and then dazzle the feckless reader with all kinds of quotes about how scientists have no idea how life could have started, how they've never been able to reproduce life in the lab, how Stanley Miller's experiment in the 50's has been falsified, how majestically complex life is, etc. etc.. Then they'll finish with a grand flourish: "So does it make sense to believe in EVOLUTION?" There'll be no mention of any of the stunning discoveries of the last decade, like tiktaalik roseae, H. floresiensis or the plethora of recent information about (this mermaid's personal fave) H. neanderthalensis.

    Of coursek, I'm just guessing. I'd love to see a .PDF. C'mon, someone's got to have one...!

  • Cadellin

    Oops, sorry, neverending--I misunderstood your post. I thought you were referring to the brochures. I see now you're referring to the thought a new Creation book. Yes, I agree, I'd be stunned if they attempted that, given the mess they made of the first, how much more information is now available and how much scrutiny another stab at it would elicit.

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