"...we don't have t-shirts..."
So funny! Well done.
by Jim_TX 25 Replies latest jw friends
"...we don't have t-shirts..."
So funny! Well done.
Just remembering doing early morning field circus has made me throw up in my mouth a little.
My recent encounter with a JW sister at a Gas Station was similar, as she saw my impatience the litany of phrases sped up.
I think she saked one generic question.
“Pardon me sir”
Perhaps she was going to ask if it was the Chattanooga Choo Choo?
7.15 in the morning....That is zealous ! at least it would be considered so around here..Perhaps May is still the peak month for Aux. Pioneering.
I LOL at your comment about grey hair and elderly, or not? I might have said the same...
I always found car parks were useless places to do it. People were either hurrying from their car or striding back to it to go somewhere. Better off where people are standing and waiting for transport .
Dear Texas Jim,
Your answer may be more effective than you know. As others mention, Witnesses do not discuss any valid issues raised by a non-Witness. Your reaction and words may cause some Witnesses who struggle with their religion to simply think--"I can understand why he feels that way!"
I used to run into radical shouters and door slammers in field service. Even family and neighbors who said bitter things about me and to me. But I have to say there was one experience I had as I was walking to a grocery store that gave me pause to think "Why does that man so hate us Witnesses?" It really did affect me.
I spoke cheerfully to a man doing yard work.He looked like a good ol' boy beer drinking kind of a guy in his 40's. He paused for a friendly response. I transitioned into a "discussion" and ID'd myself as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm telling you this man was more than just angry. Hewas more than furious. This guy morphed into a blazing hulk and threw his arm straight away from his body pointing his finger away and roared "GO!" and again"GO!
This guy didn't want my "Good News anywhere around him. Now, I'll never know what complaint he had against JWs, but he sure made me wonder.
Thanks for your story. I hope that woman wonders too. Maeve
They're trained not to listen to the people they talk to...they talk AT them, with memorized little speeches.
That is so true. Remember those rehearsed little speeches in Kingdom Ministry? That goes on like "... what do you think about the current state of the world? [Wait for his answer] Let me show you what the Bible says...". It completely doesn't matter what the person told you. You were not there to talk, you were there to have them listen to you.
Oh my....this thread is giving me bad flashbacks of parking lot witnessing! & Teel is so right about the pre-made "memorize this presentation from the KM", so many of them I thought were bs, I knew no one wanted to hear it when trying to get from WalMart to their cars in peace- So I just asked if they wanted one of these magazines, put it in their hand, and walked away.... what a waste of a saturday/sunday morning!
I also mentioned to my wife... "I should've acted really interested, taken all of her magazines... and then ripped them in half - right in front of her - and tossed them in the back of the car. I wonder what she would have thought of that?"
My wife just said, " Jim_TX!!!" (Well... she used my real name...)
I just laughed - "Well! It would keep them out of the hands of some poor soul."
...and yes Blondie... anyone who has been a JW - and known a 'pioneer' or two (I never did pioneer, but knew a few - I even put in 'pioneer' hours a few times) know all of the 'keep counting time' tricks. Around here - the airport is sacred - and off limits - unless you are in ultra-good-standing - and get special permission to 'man' (or 'woman') the information booth that they have set up strategically in the airport lobby. (It's an excellent way to kill time - and count it later - and stay cool - and not have to worry about door-knocking - or talking to anyone - as they just stand there behind the counter and chat among themselves.)
The main reason (I feel) she was out that early was so that she could 'quit' earlier than normal - cause here in Texas it's gettin blisterin hot by noon-time. ...or humid... in either case - no one in their right minds would want to be out walking - and door-knocking in it. And - we've just started the warmer weather. It's gonna get much worse.
Jim TX
I have found that you can't discuss religion with jws for very long. The best for me anyway is just
to make a few short points and leave it that. I have been doing so for about a year now. You have
to stop before they get into that posessed like state and go crazy on you. I tried this with my
wife a couple of weeks ago. I asked if she could explain the new generation thing and she did
so quite well and then said that it could go on forever. I then said that the generation thing doesn't
mean much anymore. That was the end of the conversation. She came to the conclusion on her own.
Another time was with my jw friend. I like to bring up the great pyramid because it has been an
interest of mine for years. After awhile talking about the unusual facts about it, I bring up
about russell being somewhat of an expert on it. The look on his face was priceless.