The word "evidently" appears 1,439 times in the Insight books alone.
Apparently I have not been paying enough attention as I thought the word EVIDENTLY was just a recent phenomena.
by Mad Sweeney 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
The word "evidently" appears 1,439 times in the Insight books alone.
Apparently I have not been paying enough attention as I thought the word EVIDENTLY was just a recent phenomena.
Only shows how our brain filters things out when we are focused in the WTS thinking.
Why don't we post all statements, where they use the phrase 'evidently' aka 'we have no idea what we are talking about'.
Hmmmmm… well, dear MadS (peace to you, dear one!), perhaps we will. If we don’t, however, perhaps it’s because truly that would require actually reading that "garbage" which, undoubtedly, will make us ill because, obviously, it reeks of foul poison. And so, justifiably, some (take me, for example) simply and logically just can't return to that which causes us to violently vomit.
It is reasonable to conclude, however, that through the posting of such statements by those who aren’t yet so sickened… and so can still stomach small quantities of it… the facts [will] make clear that it is most certainly a huge pile of tainted bull puckey that even many/most scholars reject.
What must one do? Well, possibly, we might reasonably assume that it is up to each one as to what they might do. Surely, then, it could go either way.
Thus, we can see that some (like me, for example) probablywouldn’t post all such statements… although fine examples each, to be sure… but perhaps only a few of such (as shown here) because this clearly shows that possibly some just can’t stomach that crap for more than a second in order to be able to read it to see what the evidence shows. Which we all already know, anyway.
If you get my drift.
Peace to you!!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,
If you get my drift.
That was awesome, Shelby. Well done.
If one were to read the bible, it is apparant that the evidence evidently points to Christs brothers in modern times fullfilling bible prophecy. It is clear that a careful reading of the scriptures point to this. Are we not glad that the clear evidence apparantly points to the evident demonstration of realities not yet beheld. Evidently, this is what Revelation is all about....
(how much Charmin is needed to clean up THAT mess??)
rofl shelby - in all likelihood I couldn't have said it better myself.
I crack up when they use "logically" because very little of their doctrine is logical at all.
Great work there, Shelby!