Make sure you read the comments to. The level of frustration is exactly what we are experiencing because of the WT Cult and it's stand on blood
by zzaphod 16 Replies latest jw friends
Here in the U.K they seem to take what the child says and what the parents say in to account.
The parents can even be slightly deranged ,or the child can be , or both and the Medical Ethics advisers to the General Medical Council will say their desire not to take medical treatment has to be respected.
I think this needs to change.
How do we bring that change about and save lives ?
And I might add this crap about letting a teen make his own "conscious decision" is absurd. His brain isn't even fully developed yet to see the big picture of life! He is making a decision based on the egos around him. Just crazy And I don't know how to change it.
Married to the Mob
The law in the uk on this is very vague which makes it very difficult for doctors.
Unfortunately the laws are very much biased towards the rights of the parents and children. Change is unlikely due to the "apparent" erosion of rights would be unacceptable.
In addition the WBTS is more than happy to put lawyers to work in suing anyone who challenges their "right to choose" and most hospital trusts are really not up for this.
In canada however there has been a couple of cases where the WBTS loss the most notable being the province of manatoba who won, against a lawsuit placed against them by a teenage JW girl who was given a blood transfusion.
I feel for the doctor. Imagine knowing you could have saved this lad and instead all you can do is watch him die........
Also prehaps the WBTS would like to pay for the cost of the air ambulance? Thats not cheap to run and can be the diffence between life and death?
If lawmakers in all countries knew that jw kids refuse blood to avoid being shunned, the decision about a blood transfusion would never be left up a child. Saying that this kid or any kid made a "conscious decision" is like saying a rape victim consented to the attack, because she didn't fight off the rapist. Hmmm...where have I heard that before? No wonder the logic is so skewed.
deep sadness
I cannot understand how this isn`t viewed as attempted suicide, and then the patient could be sectioned under the mental health act, and treatment would then be compulsary.
But then again, I think that compulsary treatment under section 2 only applies to psychiatric medicines.
Then let them argue it out in court, at least his life could have been saved.
To quote from the film Full Metal Jacket - " The dead know only one thing,,, it`s better to be alive!" (apologises to S. Kubrick)
What a waste of a life.
Paul UK