The more cities have to pay, pay, PAY, PAY for the deadly mistakes of over-enthusiastic or excessively nervous police officers, the more the cities' administrations will be forced to rein in trigger-happy law-enforcement tactics...
Agreed, and this also goes for cases where people were wrongly sent to prison by overzealous DA's for crimes they did not commit.
Here's my formula for paying restitution to these people who are later exhonerated:
- The city and/or state must pay $100,000,000 for each year that the person was sentenced to prison.
- The city and/or state must pay an additional $1,000,000,000 for each year of prison sentence that was actually served.
So let's do the math, someone wrongly convicted of murder in which he or she did not commit is sentence to life in prison and serves 20 years before being exhonerated. Let's say that is 100 years, so:
- $100,000,000 x 100 years sentenced = $10 billion dollars! PLUS
- $1,000,000,000 x 20 years served = $20 billion dollars!
Time for the state to pony up $30 billion dollars to this individual. What, can't do it? TOO BAD, YOU MUST and YOU MUST PAY IT ALL!