You may have forgotten about me but here's my update

by doublelife 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • doublelife

    It's been a while since I've posted because I've been so busy looking for a full-time job so that I could leave my husband. Well, I've finally got one today. Actually, it's the same job I've had for about a year but someone else just put in their notice to quit so my manager finally gave me full-time status. And I'm glad because I like where I work. I was nervous about trying to find another place. All that stress and searching is finally over.

    Now, I get to look forward to more stress as I find a place to live, leave my husband, and go through a divorce. Plus, I'm trying to figure out the best way to break the news to my mom. She was emotionally abused by my dad so I'm hoping she'll understand but I just won't know until I talk to her. She likes my husband as does everyone in my family. They'll all probably be on his side especially since they just found out a couple of months ago that I haven't been to a meeting in eight months and they know I'm not going back.

    This Thursday will be my 10 year baptism anniversary. I really wish I could df but I won't since my membership is the only thing keeping my mom from shunning me.

    I'm starting to meet and become social with more people. Last night, I performed in an actor's showcase. Afterwards, I went drinking with a couple of actor's from my acting class. It was great and kind of surreal. I was looking at them drinking and smoking and laughing. You know...having fun. And then I thought about the fact that I was hanging out with them having fun too(but I wasn't smoking). I'm not sure if I can really describe how I felt but I don't think they realized how much being there with them meant to me. I was able to relax. I didn't have to have this emotional barrier up because of the mentality that they're "worldly" and that they're going to die at armageddon. They don't know that I'm a former cult member though. I might tell more people in the class but gradually, not now and not everyone at once. But two weeks ago I did tell my teacher so now she knows. She said that of all the people that have came to her with their problems that I win. She's so emotional that she almost started crying but she held it together.

    Well, that's what's going on with me. Even though I haven't posted in a while I'm still on here reading everyone else's threads when I get the chance. But, it is nice to finally have other things to do besides being glued to this board.

  • BabaYaga

    First of all, no we didn't forget you.

    Secondly, congrats on the job and the acting class! It sounds like everything is really coming together for you.


  • Outaservice

    Is your soon to be ex a JW or just a 'jerk'? Or is it none of my business?


  • Scott77

    Congraculation for a good job. Keep up until you are through with family issues.

  • doublelife

    BabaYaga: Thanks.

    Outaservice: He's a jw. At home, he's a jerk. To everyone else, he's nice and funny. He's going to get a lot of sympathy from people in the congregation when I leave him.

    Scott77: Thanks.

  • leavingwt
  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    We are so happy to hear from you day at a time! :D I am thrilled you got into that full time position where you already work!! That is great!! Hang in will find a new kind of "normal", and will soon see there are A LOT of good people out there...who love God even more then some JWS seem to...please keep us posted.


    Lady Liberty

  • etna

    Hope it all goes well for you. I would just not tell any jws anything about you pesonally, so that they can't question you. Good luck.


  • palmtree67

    Oh, doublelife!!

    I did what you're going to do. Same thing,..... everyone thinks he's the "innocent" one. Why is it always in terms of black and white??

    Thanks for the update, was wondering about you. PM me if you need to to talk.

    Congrats on the job,


  • jamiebowers

    Congrats on going full time at your job and learning how to socialize. You know how to leave, right? And you know your husband, his family and probably yours along with the elders will hound you about a "scriptural" divorce, right? Be careful. Good luck!

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