I liked calling them, 'The Watchdog, Babble, and Trash Society'. Did you have a 'pet' name for them?
by Outaservice 10 Replies latest jw friends
I liked calling them, 'The Watchdog, Babble, and Trash Society'. Did you have a 'pet' name for them?
They will always be 'The Evil Empire' to me.
The Witch Doctor Society (referring to the no-blood policy)
That pic of the borg ship turned WT borg ship is epic! I love it!
The Borg really is the best, IMHO. I should print it out and post it on my front door above the "No JWs" sign. Outlaw, got a link for me?
BTW, Outlaw, have you missed me? Or did you even notice I've been gone?
The International Association of Ignorant Pretentious Liars and Manipulators
Hey Outlaw...
Yes, I was on a year-long vacation. Sometimes all this Je-ho-bee stuff gets me so mad that I can spit and I need a break.
No, I didn't get a tan but I got a lot more freckles!
Is it Spring up there yet where you are or are you still snowed in?
The Watchtowel and Trash Socrates. Look! They are brainwashing experts, they are the great manipulators. Even now,I do not know how they succeded in manipulating me in the first place.