I seriously do not give a $hizNit about you

by AwSnap 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • AwSnap

    Didnt think I'd say this, but I am. Maybe you newbies have no clue who I am, but I was absolutely addicted to this site for over a year. Now, I have no time for JWN. I have tried about 7 times in the last month to check up and see what's new, but I log out just about 5 minutes after I log in.

    About 5 months ago, my jw sibling told me that he/she never remembered that the UN was spoken of negatively (and that the red-headed slut named Babylon was pictured in the Revelation Book in the 80's). Flabbergasted and Astounded, I became convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the jw's are....maybe not a total cult...but DEFINITELY NOT UNIQUE AND ABSOLUUUUUTELY UNDER MIND CONTROL.

    I left the jw's (unannounced/faded) in the late 90's (yet I have many aquaintances still "in"). Today, I ran into a jw elder. I was running into our local hardware store as he was pulling out. I thought a nice 'wave' & smile would suffice, but he stopped and said 'hey! Me & _____ want to stop by...when would be a good time?'

    I am READY. Bring it. They hold no power over me. NONE. Really. Really. REALLY. I cannot believe that I used to get up at 5a to make pasta salad for assemblies. I've HATED pasta salad for years. But I just had some today that was amazing. I have recovered. Not everything reminds me of being a JW.

    If you need my support, please PM me. To be honest, it may be a lil while before I get back to you. While I do NOT think about the jw's like I did even a couple months ago, I care about you & will direct you to someone who may be able to help.

    This may be a very tough time in your life. But let me just tell you: I unofficially left over ten years ago. Since then, I went into a major depression, got into drugs (7 years ago), alcohol, terrible friends, wonderful friends, terrible jobs, fantastic jobs, aweful peers, amazing women & men, cigarettes (its been 3 years), drugs (its been 7 years since that ended), government assistance, self-assistance (YAY!...STILL THERE!). I now own my own business. Even going through school, I was very self-destructive...


    I'm not 'there' anymore. I feel so good and I have made some amazing, wonderful friends...some ex-JW's, some non-jw's, and some who have no idea what jw's believe. I am so blessed. Do not confuse this with --->"I have no stress in my life".

    BOOOOOLogna.... I've got lots of stress. But I'm done with school. I own my own business now. I'm hounding my hubby for a baby now because I dont believe the big A is about to hit us . And ....now...I know I'm right. I honor life. And I respect life. We dont own every minute...it could end anytime. I am thankful and I tell everyone I love them. Contact me if you need support

  • AwSnap

    p.s.... I officially got out of debt today. wooPWOOP! I did it.....but much with the support of others.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Hi AwSnap. Your confidence is sexy.

    Think About It

  • sooner7nc

    Fo Shizzle my Nizzle.

    Good for you girlie! Give em hell!

  • sooner7nc

    Oh sorry, you already did. I'm happy for ya.

  • SixofNine

    I love you, AwSnap. Whatever the journey, you've ended up a very cool person. Oh the places you'll go ;)

    I think I'll have a drink to toast your out-of-debtedness :)

  • GLTirebiter

    Way to go, AwSnap! You're living proof there is life outside the org.

    You kicked the bad habits, finished school, run your own business, and got out of debt: that's four big accomplishments.

    It's great to hear success stories, thank you for dropping by to share yours. Don't be a stranger, OK?


  • cyberjesus

    I dont give a crap about you either.... :-) does it mean I am getting better?

  • jamiebowers

    Wow! Good for you.

  • Dagney

    You go girl!! (dd we have wine tonight?)

    Love it!!! Brava!!!

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