I am imagining a bunch of JW's wandering around confused in the afterlife then I remembered I don't have to imagine I can see this Summer at the convention when they explain the "new light"
Shot in the ministry
by dearone 12 Replies latest jw friends
Very sad, no matter what religion he was...
But this event, along with the one the other day where a young man in service was killed by a car, shows that there is no particular safety while in service. I know that JWs like to qoute, "unforseen occurances befall us all" but yet how many stories did we hear how someone was in a precarious situation while in service, whether a bad dog or a violently upset householder and they "felt" that the angels or Holy Spirit intervened to keep them safe?
I always wanted to call bullshit on those stories back when I was still in, but I had never heard of anyone actually getting killed while in service. I knew of someone getting shot (but not killed) while in service while I was still active and all the dubs rationalized it away...because the JW shot had gone to the back door instead of the front door...therefore they were no longer protected as they had not followed proper procedure (we had been warned to not go into back yards or to back doors). Stupid superstitious people.
Which leads me to my next rant...
Weren't there always some gung-ho JWs who feared nothing and no one while in service? I knew of some. They felt that since they were on God's mission, they had some special protection. I remember working in territories where I wouldn't normally drive through that part of town, yet the elder in charge of the car group insisted that we were safe since we were preaching the Good News. Yet at the same time, even I felt kinda bad because my gut reaction was that we shouldn't be there while the elder was all eager to knock on crack house doors. He seemed more courageous than me... at the time. Now I know that my gut reaction was much more reliable than his stupid superstitious belief that angels were protecting us.
I think some JWs tend to ignore the warning signs or danger zones while on their mission to peddle magazines. I'm not saying that's what happened to this young man, but it's not surprising that these things happen if too many JWs put themselves in situations that they would normally avoid.
Despite that, this is a tragedy and my thoughts go out to the family...