JWs don't ban blood because of the possible side-effects or possible errors of doctors. Their stand is based on two or three Bible scriptures. So when discussing the blood doctrine one should stick to what the Bible says and forget all the side arguments that have nothing to do with the reason why JWs forbid the use of blood.
I agree.
If you speak to a JW they always bring up how "dangerous" blood is medically. That you will get this or that disease or wrong matched blood. I usually ask if their stand is based on the medical danger then. They say this to prove that their stand is right.
There is no medical treatment that does not have a risk of some kind.But their stand is not based on medical evidence, but solely on their interpretation of scriptures.
If blood was one of the safest treatments , what would their argument be?
So prove to us from scripture alone that their stand on blood is correct.
You will find many a JW floundering to give an answer.
Refuting JW claims that blood hurts people
by Mad Sweeney 11 Replies latest watchtower medical
Thou shall not kill.
WHat do we call it when we CAN save someone but let them die?
What do we call it when we can save ourselves, but allow ourselves to die?
If we believe in God, how do we think God views these decisions?
The major risk in EMERGENCY transfusions is wrong blood type, and even with universal blood, there could be health complications.
Of course wlaking around with a blood type card woudl fix that problem.
Fact is most of us don't evne know our own blood type, which is really silly when you think of it, isn't it?
I have a friend that got hepatitius from a blood tranfusion, he was part of the "blood scandal" that happend a few years ago in Ontario.
His thoughts on the matter?
Better then being dead.
Since then he is married, one kid and lives hislife to the fullest, as opposed to being dead.