Can any current elders, ms, etc. tell me if restrictions are given when a person is re instated since 2005?? I ask this as I am reading the requirements for re instatement -- it says a person has to prove they WANT to be reinstated and have to attend meetings for a year or more before the elders would even accept the letter request for re instatement.....
Then when re instated, and the person is genuinely repentant, the 1989 OM book says there is an announcement made of the reinstatement and at the same time there would be mention of any restrictions that apply until the person has regained "a measure of spiritual strength"....
NOW: in the 2005 Organized to do Jehovahs Will book -- it says on page 157 that only the announcement is made of the reinstatement, no restrictions issue is mentioned.. so if a person who was out of the truth for 6 years -raised in it-- - attended meetings faithfully for over a year, and stayed separate even from parents until reinstated --should there be restrictions given since service and meeting attendance, etc. is all up to par since reinstatement - moreso that some of the cong numbers???? Change of requirements for re instatement?? I ask as this person has had to have a study, that will take about another 6 mos to a year to get thru. and it doesnt seem correct.. can anyone help..just need the facts pls..