Is the GB setting up to dump 1914?

by karter 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    LOL at Sapphy's "heart of wisdom" comment! I'll never forget that line from the 1995 watchtower and, of course, the way they tried to blame the R & F.

    I just don't see them ever giving it up though. It's true that it's becoming an enormous embarrassment for them as they try to wiggle around the fact that 100 years have gone by. Even for the most brainwashed of their followers, surely a lightbulb would go off if they dropped 1914.

  • sir82

    They don't have to "dump" anything.

    Will they eventually de-emphasize it? Of course.

    The date 1843 is still significant to Seventh-Day Adventists, but they don't go around trumpeting it from the rooftops.

    The Watchtower (not known for original thoughts, at least since F. Franz descended into senility) will copy them and just mention 1914 less and less prominently as the decades roll on.

  • JWoods

    Just as a question - how often do they even mention this "selection" in 1919 any more?

    Mostly, to me, they seem to just make the claim that they are the faithful and discrete slave (after all, they have the printing presses) and leave it at that. Manifest destiny, the JW version.

    I think it is possible that they just quit talking about it post 2014, just like they quit saying the creative days were 7,000 years and never say anything about 1975 any more. Well, correct that - they never say anything about 1975 anymore except to say that they never really said 1975 meant anything...

    Someday in the future, 1914 could become about as relevant as the golden bowls being poured out at some Cedar Rapids assembly, or the 7 trumpet blasts at Columbus, Ohio - all old crazy stuff that no witness of today probably even knows about.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    No, they're not going to dump 1914. But what they have done--either accidentally or on purpose--is minimize the importance of 1914 to the rank-and-file JWs.

    Once the "generation" doctrine changed in 1995, the year 1914 ceased to have any real meaning to JWs. Of course, with the new "overlapping generation" foolishness, 1914 is a bit more relevant now. But it's nothing compared to the pre-1995 "generation of 1914" teaching. I remember as a JW in the 1980s and early 1990s being told that there was no way This System could last until 2000. Well, here we are...

    Also, as one poster mentioned, not many JWs are aware of the whole 1918/1919 inspection/appointment doctrine. Ex-JWs make a much bigger deal of it than JWs do. Most JWs simply believe that the WTS is the true church because of what they don't believe in--namely trinity, hell, immortal soul, and going to war; as well as the fact that the WTS leads a "worldwide preaching work." I expect that fewer than half of all JWs have even a rudimentary understanding of the 1918/19 doctrine.

    Some think that when 2014 comes and goes, that this will awaken a significant number of JWs or will at least force the WTS to make further changes to its End Times doctrines. As much as I would love to see the former happen, I'm not optimistic. Most JWs will simply say "wow, we're now 100 years into the Last's going to happen any day now."

    Of course, as the years and decades pass, 1914 will seem even less relevant to your average JW. But recall that the Seventh Day Adventists still teach that Jesus began his investigative judgment of Christianity in 1844. That was over 160 years ago! And millions of people still believe it. That leads me to believe that 1914 still has legs.

    As P.T. Barnum said, there's a sucker born every minute. And the Watchtower Society is banking on it.

  • leavingwt

    What is the definition of the 'Good News' as preached by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    If you can answer the above question without 1914, please let me know. I cannot.

  • shopaholic

    I wonder what the GB and the writers think of all of this? Do they know that 1914 isn't working anymore? That they can only stretch it for so long? I wonder if they come up with teachings that will last long enough for it to be the next persons problem? If they just go along with it for free room and board.

  • OnTheWayOut

    They are married to 1914. They don't plan to drop it. Before they drop 1914, they will stretch out the overlap theory for a long time to come.

    To ditch 1914 would be like a divorce. It would mean a major change that they will only face when the members are leaving in droves.

    I think they really hope they can get away with stretching it out and keeping 1914.

  • blondie

    It took the WTS until 1943 to totally dump 1874, from 1879 to 1943 would be 64 years.


    From 1876 Charles T Russell (who founded the Watchtower Society-the publishing/legal channel of the Jehovah’s Witness sect) promoted 1874 as the date for Christ’s return and the start of Christ’s “invisible presence”.

    That Christ returned in 1874 was official doctrine until 1930. Note:

    ...the Bridegroom came in the Autumn of 1874, and he appeared to the eyes of faith-seen by the light of the lamp-the Word.
    (Zion’s Watch Tower Reprints October/November 1881 p. 289)

    Our Lord’s presence as Bridegroom and Reaper was recognized during the first three and a half years, from A.D. 1874 to A.D. 1878. Since that time it has been emphatically manifest that the time had come in A.D. 1878 when kingly judgment should begin at the house of God.
    (Studies in the Scriptures Vol. II 1889 p. 239)

    …he [Jesus] would in reality assume the kingly office, power, etc.; viz., in the spring of 1878, three and a half years after his second advent at the beginning of the harvest period, in the fall of 1874.
    (Studies in the Scriptures Volume III 1891 p. 234)

    Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear it: and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878, A.D.
    (Studies in Scriptures Vol. IV 1897 p. 621)

    Pastor Russell...believed and taught that we are living in the time of the second presence of our Lord, and that his presence dates from 1874...
    (WT December 1, 1916 p. 5998)

    Fall 1874 A.D. Second Advent of the Lord
    (The Finished Mystery 1917 p. 60)

    Some of the Scriptures, which, when understood in their connections and significance, prove that the Lord’s Second Advent occurred in the Fall of 1874 are as follows:
    [A list of 88 interpretations followed]
    …and these are but 88 of the proofs hastily collected.
    (The Finished Mystery 1917 pp. 68, 71)

    The time of the Lord’s second presence dates from 1874...
    (The Harp of God 1921 p. 231)

    The Scriptures show that the second presence (of the Lord) was due in 1874... This proof shows that the Lord has been present since 1874...
    (WT March 1, 1923 p. 67)

    Surely there is not the slightest room for doubt that in the mind of a truly consecrated child of God that the Lord Jesus Christ is present and has been since 1874.
    (WT January 1, 1924 p. 5)

    The second coming of the Lord therefore began in 1874...
    (Creation 1927 pp. 289, 291, 297, 298, 318)

    The Scriptural proof is that the second presence of the Lord Jesus Christ began in 1874 A.D.
    (Prophecy 1929 p. 65)

    From 1874 onward is the time of the Lord’s second presence, as above stated…
    This circumstantial evidence fulfilling prophecy is what constitutes the physical facts, and is proof corroborative of the Lord’s presence since 1874…
    His presence beginning in 1874, he has carried on his harvest work from 1874 forward…
    (Our Lord’s Return 1929 pp. 27, 33, 37)


    In 1930 Christ’s return and “presence” was switched from 1874 to 1914.

    In The Golden Age magazine (1930 p.503) Joseph Rutherford, the second president of the WTS, wrote “Jesus has been present since 1914” but he gave no supporting explanation. In 1932:

    The prophecy of the Bible, fully supported by the physical facts in fulfillment thereof, shows that the second coming of Christ dates from the fall of the year 1914.
    (What is Truth? 1932)

    Until 1943 there was little further mention of this doctrinal change. Then in 1943 the WTS published The Truth Shall Make You Free which revised the WTS’s Bible chronology by bringing the date of Adam’s creation 100 years forward. This removed any remaining prophetic significance of 1874. Christ’s return in 1914 thus became the official truth for Jehovah’s Witnesses (JWs).

    After switching Jesus’ “return” from 1874 to 1914 the WTS writers began to claim or imply that their early Bible Students had anticipated 1914 as the date of Christ’s “presence” from their beginnings!

    Consider some examples:


    As for the time of Christ’s second presence, Daniel’s prophecy is again the one that gives the chronology for it. (Dan. 4:16) It was figured out as pointing to A.D. 1914, and The Watchtower called notice to the significance of 1914 in the year 1879.
    (WT 1952 November 1, p. 658)

    Why, then, do the nations not realize and accept the approach of this climax of judgment? It is because they have not heeded the world wide advertising of Christ’s return and his second Presence. Since long before World War I Jehovah’s witnesses pointed to 1914 as the time for this great event to occur.
    (WT 1954 June 15 p. 370)

    Bible chronology also fixes the time for Christ’s second presence and the assuming of his right to rule as at 1914; this date was published in the Watchtower as early as 1879, 35 years before 1914.
    (Tract: Sign of Christ’s Presence 1955 p. 3)

    …history confirms that Jehovah’s witnesses were the only Christian group found awake as to 1914…
    (WT 1960 July 15 p. 433)

    As we look back over the years, we can clearly see how God’s organization in modern times has progressed in understanding. For example, it learned that Christ’s second presence was to be in the spirit, and not in the flesh as many professed Christians believe. His rule would be from the heavens. This was a new revelation of great importance to God’s people who had been anxiously awaiting his second presence toward the end of the nineteenth century.
    (WT 1965 July 15 p. 428)

    For over thirty years before that date and for half a century since, Jehovah’s witnesses have pointed to the year 1914 as the time for the end of “the appointed times of the nations” and the time in which Christ would begin his Kingdom rule. (Luke 21:24)
    (WT 1966 February 15 p. 103)

    “Do you believe in the second advent of the Lord?” I asked the young man [a WTS colporteur in 1928] who came to the door.
    “Christ’s second advent was realized in 1914” he answered.
    In astonishment, I told him that was impossible. “You should read this book,” he said, handing me The Harp of God. I was baptized the following year, March 23, 1929...
    (WT 1988 May 1 p. 22)

    [Note: Nowhere in The Harp of God (1921) is the “second advent” of Christ put in 1914. On the contrary, 1874 as the date of the “presence” of Jesus is mentioned in The Harp of God on pages 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237 241, 244, 271). Also “the young man” could not have known in 1928 that “Christ’s second advent” was realized in 1914” because that teaching had not been published at that time! Even the later editions of The Harp of God (1937 & 1940) retained 1874 as the date of Christ’s “presence”.]

    He [a WTS colporteur of 1921] explained to me that Jesus had been present since 1914, invisible to man. This was the most thrilling news I had ever heard... In late 1921 I was transferred back to England, and in the spring of 1922, I was discharged from the army.
    (WT l990 September 1 p. 11)
    [Note: When this purported conversation occurred in 1921 no WTS publication had mentioned 1914 as the date for the “return of Christ’’-nor for nine years afterwards!]

    The Watchtower has consistently presented evidence…that Jesus’ presence in heavenly Kingdom power began in 1914. Events since that year testify to Jesus’ presence.
    (WT 1993 January 15, p. 5)

    …a prophecy providentially caused sincere 19th-century Bible students to be in expectation. By linking the “seven times” of Daniel 4:25 with “the times of the Gentiles”, they anticipated that Christ would receive Kingdom power in 1914.
    (WT 1998 September 15 p. 15)

    This thread as some more info.

  • undercover
    What is the definition of the "Good News" as preached by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    As OMG pointed out, ex-JWs make a bigger deal out of the 1919 appointment deal than do JWs. Which means that most ex-JWs understand the theology and doctrines of the religion much better than most JWs.

    To the everyday rank and file JW, the Good News is that we're living in the "time of the end" and Jehovah will soon bring an end to wickedness. They might mention the "presence" of Jesus. When pressed they might throw in something about 1914, but left to their own explanation, they'll never mention it or think about it.

    Today's dubs are pretty ignorant of what they really believe...much much different than the dubs of the 50s and 60s. Most don't know anything about 1919, most don't understand how 1914 is arrived at. If quietly dropped, they would soon forget that it ever meant anything important.

    Personally, I hope they don't drop 1914. As long as they try to hold on to that teaching, as time goes by, it become more apparent how much in error the whole concept is. Anytime the WTS drops something or changes something, JWs claim "new light" and they refuse to think about old doctrines. If it stays current, but it becomes more and more ridiculous, the more chances some of us have to point it out to JW family.

  • leavingwt
    To the everyday rank and file JW, the Good News is that we're living in the "time of the end" and Jehovah will soon bring an end to wickedness.

    If the householder asks, 'When did the Last Days begin?', what is the JW answer?

    If the householder ask, 'How long have we been living in the Last Days?', what is the JW answer?

    If the householder asks, 'How can you be so confident that we're now living in the Last Days?', what is the JW answer?

    If the householder aks, 'These are critical times, but how is it any worse than hundreds of years ago?', what is the JW answer?

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