I have been reading augusts watchtower between simulations today, and i stumbled upon some funny stuff in augusts watchtower.
First off - the author of the second article makes a bold move by referring to ancient watchtowers. From the first page:
"No carefull student of the bible can fail to be impressed with the stress that is laid on the death of christ", stated the fouth issue of this magazine back in october 1879. That article concluded on a serious note: "Let us beware of anything that belittles, or sets aside the death of christ, as the offering and propitiations for sin.
One of the reasons why Zions Watch Tower was first puplished in 1879 was to defend the Bible teaching of the ransom. Its pages provided "food at the proper time", for in the late 1800's a growing number of professed christians began to question how jesus death could be a ransom for our sins.
uuuhhhhmmm - i thought one of the reasons why "Zions Watch Tower Herald of Christs Presence" was puplished was to proclaim - tada - CHRISTS PRESENCE. Nothing new, but i think its damn balsy to refer to the watchtower as "food at the proper time" and talk about the reasons it was pulished in this way!
The article continues with a downright lie:
"At that time, many were falling victim of the theory of evolution, an idea that conflicts with the fact that man has fallen from a perfect state. Evolutionists teach that man is naturally improving and has no need for a ransom.
No it does not you stupid ignorant person! Evolution talk about how life CHANGE. Evolution can also explain how life devolve as bad mutations are piled up in populations which are unable to select against them. Trying to say that evolution talk about the RANSOM is just stupid. Whats next, cosmology talk about the ransom because it currently predict the sun will burn out and the universe will be destroyed in 'the big rip', contrary to the paradise earth teaching? Dumbass writer. I hold it against no witness they do not understand evolution when they are being so misinformed by 'Gods Chanel'.
Bonus points for digging up that old watchtower, i got to get back at the simulations.