Field Service Question

by zzaphod 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • zzaphod

    I know that the WTS say`s that the JW`s are ever on the increase, more people, more studies etc. etc. Yet where I live, (a residential suburb of quite a large City), I rarely see the Jehovah`s Witnesses going from door to door. I think that they`ve knocked on my door once, and I got a memorial Invite pushed through the letter box a few weeks ago. But that`s all I have seen of them on their preaching work in 9 years. I did drive past a group recently, but that was way over the other side of the town.

    I guess I`m trying to ask this: Are they as active on the doors as I remember them in the 80`s, (when a territory map would be covered every month or two), or are they preaching some other way, eg. writting letters or something.

    I am in the UK, so it may just be here that things are different.

    Or it may be that I`m just not being very observant, in my old age??


    Paul UK

  • OnTheWayOut

    As far as I could tell, they tended to get to doors less and less despite their claims. They still have plenty of pioneers left over from their glory days but the real troopers have passed away. The new breed of JW's generally put the minimum time in to recruiting and count the time they take on breaks and do a bunch of letter-writing and laundromats placements.

    Beyond the pioneers, the average JW meets for "service" and walks as slow as possible in the door-to-door for an hour on Saturday then takes a break and then rides around for another hour on return visits. So the average publisher works with a partner and disturbs only a handful of "householders" each week. It's a welcome change. I hope they get even lazier.

  • hoser

    When I work with pioneers in service they always complain that I drive too fast between the calls. They are masters at wasting time to count more time. But when I have to be back home at a specific time they always try to hound me to stay later in the day in service and try to guilt me cause I'm going home earlier than them.

    Lazy Ba$tard$

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Honestly they are slowing down. My husband still goes and they never go door to door. He loves door to door service so it upsets him. Mostly they do calls and drive by's. What a wast of time. I just wish I could spend one morning with my husband before he dies. But no every morning that he has off work it is to serve Jehovah by driving around. Forget the wife. My husband say we have all the rest of the day together, yeh from two or three in the afternoon, by then I am so pissed I just want him to go away.

    I hate this religion. It totally destroys family's.

  • RubaDub

    We get a visit at least once a month if not more.

    But then this is South Florida and there's a JW Spanish family living on every block.

    When the CO visits and we have the big turnout for field service on Saturday morning, we can literally cover our entire territory in one day if there was any sense of urgency. We only have about 75 blocks of territory assigned to us and we may have 40 or 50 come out for field service that day. That's about a block and a half per publisher.

    But then again, this is North Cuba.

    Rub a Dub

  • booby

    If you are a constant not at home you get called on weekly. Of course you generally have no idea you were called on because you were not at home. It does probably still count as a refusal to support one of these least ones of christs brothers and means your imminent distruction at "The great day of Harmageddon.

  • JeffT

    We've lived at our current address for a bit over three years. They've never been here.

    There is a KH a few yards down the street from my wife's school. There are frequently a number of cars in the parking lot during the week, which seems like a lot of activity to me. I can't tell if its because it is used by three congregations, or maybe they are using it as a park and ride lot.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think those who still have some zeal left have their pet choice territories and keep them all the time. Other territories rarely get worked, if ever. I see Dubs in my neighborhood every few months, unfortunately. They used to stop and use our bathroom. Not anymore, so I guess that's another benefit of jumping off the cult ship.

  • PSacramento

    Field service?

    Oh you mean the "slave labour" the WT gest from JW's to deliver their publications !

    Got to hand it to the guy that came up with that one, to convince people that their salvation is based on going door-to-door dropping off literature for a publishing company and get free labout fromthem, that is genius !

  • zzaphod

    Thanks for the replys everyone, it seems that I may be living in an area where the JW`s aren`t that keen on saving us from the big A. Perhaps we`re not posh enough.


    Paul Uk

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