I'm just currently divorcing and I won't say that was the only issue but it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Is your marriage good otherwise? I think that could make a difference in whether it was salvageable or not.
The other thing that will make a big difference is how far your mate is willing to go to try and bring you back to the fold. Mine was essentially shunning me in my own home.
My advice, especially if you have young children, is try to work it out. Model the respect and tolerance for him and his beliefs that you wan't him to show you. You may be in a time in your life where you need to question, but he is not in a time in his life where he needs or wants to hear that. Take your questions elsewhere and let him come around at his own pace. He has as much right to stay as you do to leave.
See how he responds to that. If you show respect and tolerance, and are willing to compromise with the children, perhaps teaching them both belief systems and letting them choose when they are grown up, then you have done your part. You'll just have to wait and see if he will meet you half way.
That's the advice I got from my marriage counselor and even though my husband was not willing and we are divorcing, at least I know I did my part and everything in my power to save my marriage. I can walk away now, content with the outcome. Also, while I am very poor right now, I'm still much happier.