Circ. Ass. Last Weekend...oh boy!

by tresdecu 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • tresdecu

    So I had to suffer through the CA last weekend, it was rough at 1st, I was actually sick to my stomach the night before, fortunately my little boy kept me occupied during the session and I got to walk around a lot.

    The DO cracked down on 'true christians' watching vampire movies aka....Twilight. I know this series is hugely popular with a lot of teens and 20somthings, even a young elder and his wife (mostly the wife) are really into them.

    He said true christians just don't watch such things. haha. this will be ignored by most I'm sure. Also the baptism consisted of an older lady who looked a bit mentally disabled. (my thoughts) and some 14-17 year olds....only about 5 total.

    The assem before had no one getting baptised.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life


  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I'm so glad i don't go to these awful 'assemblies' anymore.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    They are doing what the Catholic Church use to do years ago. They had a list put up, these movies are condemned, etc. Those were the ones we went to. ones we went to. I thanked the church for that list.

    Same with the the Tower, some will now watch the twilght and other vamp. movies, just because they said not to watch them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Twilight is so sterile that it almost ruins it.

    I'm biiiig into all things vampire.

    I told my sister that it's fake so it can't be demonized.

    It's harmless!

    I wouldn't last two minutes at an assembly without scoffing and laughing derisively and throwing tomatoes at the speaker.

  • IsaacJ22

    I never liked the assemblies even when I was a believer. All the Witnesses I know seemed to love them back then. I've even known a lot of XJWs say they used to like the assemblies. Glad to see I'm not the only one.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    Anything that involves you spending money that otherwise should be going to the WBT$ they will condemn. Consider in the US if 10% of R&F went to see just one such movie a year = 100K x $25 = $2.5 Million!!! That is what they see - the value proposition nothing more, nothing less.

  • zoiks

    Ours was last weekend too. Or was it the weekend before? Ahhhhh, ignorance

  • mentallyfree31

    I attended my last assembly last year. It feels great.

    Think about how funny this is: they gather a crowd of thousands together to tell them they should stay away from facebook, twilight, and normal everyday things..etc..

    They are SERIOUSLY out of touch with reality. I am so glad to be free!


  • gubberningbody

    My problem with Twilight and other vampire movies is that it is simply not believable that a person 100 years old or more could find any common ground with a person who was 16, much less be interested in them beyond being an oily snack.

    Teens are so full of oil, I imagine Vampires with cholesterol issues would have some issues with clogged arteries. Maybe that's why they look pale.

    Makes you think about the logistics of age and association as a community, though. I think of a "New World" with people who look 30 , but are 30 million years old, and people who look 30 and are actually 30.

    What could a 30 million year old human find of interest in a 20 year old?

    Then again, what would a timeless, omniscient, ompipotent being find of any interest in anyone or anything?

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