Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-23-10 WT Study (RIGHTEOUS ONES)

by blondie 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 05-23-10 WT Study (March 15, 2010, pages 19-23)(RIGHTEOUS ONES)

    Review comments will be in red or headed by COMMENTS
    WT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book

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    "THE RIGHTEOUS ONES WILL SHINE AS BRIGHTLY AS THE SUN" ''At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.”-MATT 13:43.


    Did you know that the WTS taught that the harvest period started in 1874 to end 40 years later in 1914? Current WTS publications try to "blame" Barbour and that Russell followed along. But note that this concept continued long after Russell broke with Barbour.

    Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come p.135 “HARVEST” is a term which gives a general idea as to what work should be expected to transpire between the dates 1874 and 1914.”

    Studies In the Scriptures Series III - Thy Kingdom Come pp.149-150 “These, already examined, show that the close of 1874 marked the beginning, as the close of 1914 will mark the end, of this 40 years of harvest; while all the minutiae of the order and work of this harvest were portrayed in that of the Jewish age, its type.”

    The Watchtower Reprints, July 15, 1894, p. 1675 ***
    For instance, as we look back and note that the Scriptures marked 1873 as the end of six thousand years from Adam to the beginning of the seventh thousand, and the fall of 1874 as the beginning of the forty-year harvest of the Gospel age and day of wrath from the overthrow of all the institutions of ‘this present evil world (or order of affairs),’ we can see that facts have well borne out those predictions of Scripture.

    *** Thy Kingdom Come (Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 3) (1908) p.216 ***
    It will be remembered that Israel's "seventieth week"—the last seven years of their favor—was very exactly marked at its beginning, middle and close; and we believe for the very purpose of giving us clearly defined dates in the close of the Gospel age of favor to Spiritual Israel. We have seen that the beginning of that week was to Fleshly Israel the date of the beginning of their harvest testing, in A.D. 29. It was marked by our Lord's baptism and recognition as Messiah at Jordan, when the reaping work began—the parallel to which, here, is the recognition of the presence of the Lord, in A.D. 1874, at the beginning of this harvest.

    If the average jw were asked who the weeds are today, many would answer "apostates" or "the evil slave." What did you believe when you were a jw? Is the following the most current WTS position?

    QUOTES*** w81 8/1 p. 24 par. 11 Harvesting in the “Time of the End” ***The symbolic “weeds” include all counterfeit Christians, not excluding any modern-day apostates who teach “things that cause stumbling,” as well as “persons who are doing lawlessness.” This would include the “evil slave,” the ‘foolish virgins’ and the “wicked and sluggish slave.” (Matt. 24:48-51; 25:1-12, 14-30)

    BUT LESS THAN 3 YEARS LATER the WTS contradicts itself.

    *** w84 3/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***In Jesus’ parable of the wheat among the weeds, do the “weeds” include those who recently have become apostates?
    No, for strictly speaking they are not “weeds.”

    Some might view the small number of persons who recently turned apostate as “weeds” being collected out. But Jesus did not say that the “weeds” had once been “wheat” and then turned bad. They were sown as “weeds” and remained such, consistent with the genetic rule that vegetation reproduces “according to its kind.” (Genesis 1:11, 12) We need to bear in mind, though, that in speaking of the “weeds” Jesus was foretelling a particular sort of false, or imitation, Christians who would appear. He was not discussing individuals of the “wheat” class who might go bad, becoming like rotten wheat stalks.


    Q 1. Jesus used illustrations to explain what different aspects of the Kingdom?

    JESUS CHRIST used many illustrations, or parables, to explain different aspects of the Kingdom. He "spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them." (Matt. 13:34) In illustrations about sowing the seed of Kingdom truth, Jesus emphasized the role of a person's heart condition in accepting the message, as well as the role that Jehovah plays in causing spiritual growth. (Mark 4: 3-9, 26-29) Jesus also illustrated the outstanding growth of Kingdom interests here on earth even if that growth is not always at first discernible. (Matt. 13:31-33) Additionally, he highlighted that not all who respond to the Kingdom message are necessarily suitable subjects of that Kingdom.--Matt. 13:47-50.*

    COMMENTS How many jws judge people heart conditions? If they reject that individual jw, do they label them goats worthy of eternal destruction? What is the WTS teaching nowadays about the separation of the sheep and the goats...that this takes place after the "great tribulation" starts.

    EVEN IF THAT GROWTH IS NOT ALWAYS AT FIRST DISCERNIBLE????!!! Does growth proves God's backing?

    What about Pentecostalism is the world's fastest-growing Christian movement with over 150 million adherents, growing at an estimated 19 million members per year.

    The WTS admits that not all jws will be in the new system.

    *For a detailed discussion of these illustrations, see The Watchtower, July 15, 2008, pages 12-21.

    (see Blondie's Comments

    QUOTES*** w08 7/15 p. 20 par. 17 You Do Not Know Where It Will Have Success! ***Does this separating refer to the final judgment of the sheep and the goats that Jesus said would occur when he arrived in his glory? (Matt. 25:31-33) No. That final judgment will occur at Jesus’ coming during the great tribulation.

    Q 2. In Jesus' illustration of the wheat and the weeds what does the fine seed represent?
    2. However, one of Jesus' illustrations focuses on the gathering of those who will rule with Jesus in his Kingdom. This is often called the parable of the wheat and the weeds and is recorded in Matthew chapter 13. Whereas in another illustration, Jesus tells us that the seed that is sown is "the word of the kingdom," in this illustration, he tells us that the fine seed represents something different--"the sons of the kingdom." (Matt. 13:19,38) These are not subjects of the Kingdom but, rather, "sons," or heirs, of the Kingdom.--Rom. 8:14-17; read Galatians 4:6,7.

    wheat and weeds--gathering of those who will RULE with Jesus in his Kingdom (Matt. 13:38)

    but different (?)

    fine seed--"the sons of the kingdom"...not subjects but SONS or HEIRS of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:19)


    Q 3. Explain the problem that faces the man in the illustration and how he decides to handle this problem.

    3. This is the illustration: "The kingdom of the heavens has become like a man that sowed fine seed in his field. While men were sleeping, his enemy came and over sowed weeds in among the wheat, and left. When the blade sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds appeared also. So the slaves of the householder came up and said to him, 'Master, did you not sow fine seed in your field? How, then, does it come to have weeds?' He said to them, 'An enemy, a man, did this.' They said to him, 'Do you want us, then, to go out and collect them?' He said, 'No; that by no chance, while collecting the weeds, you uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest; and in the harvest season I will tell the reapers, First collect the weeds and bind them in bundles to burn them up, then go to gathering the wheat into my storehouse.' "--Matt. 13:24-30.


    Who were the wheat between 100 CE and 1879 CE? Watch how the WTS names some people without clearly supporting their status as "wheat."

    *** (Proclaimers) jv chap. 5 p. 44 Proclaiming the Lord’s Return (1870-1914) ***
    But what about “the wheat”? Who were among “the sons of the kingdom” during the centuries-long apostasy? We cannot say for a certainty. The literal weeds of Jesus’ illustration are generally considered to be bearded darnel, which very much resembles wheat until maturity, when it can readily be distinguished from wheat by its smaller black seeds. Similarly, only at “the harvest” would a clear distinction be made between imitation Christians and the true “sons of the kingdom.” Nevertheless, Jesus said: “Let both grow together until the harvest.” True Christianity, then, was never completely stamped out.

    Throughout the centuries there have always been truth lovers. To mention just a few: John Wycliffe (c. 1330-1384) and William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) furthered the work of Bible translation even at the risk of their life or freedom. Wolfgang Fabricius Capito (1478-1541), Martin Cellarius (1499-1564), Johannes Campanus (c. 1500-1575), and Thomas Emlyn (1663-c. 1741) accepted the Bible as God’s Word and rejected the Trinity. Henry Grew (1781-1862) and George Storrs (1796-1879) not only accepted the Bible and rejected the Trinity but also expressed appreciation for the ransom sacrifice of Christ.

    Although we cannot positively identify any of such persons as “the wheat” of Jesus’ illustration, certainly “Jehovah knows those who belong to him.” —2 Tim. 2:19.

    Q 4. (a) Who is the man in the illustration? (b) When and how did Jesus start to engage in the sowing of this seed?

    4. Who is the man who sowed the fine seed in his field? Jesus provides the answer later when he explains to his disciples: "The sower of the fine seed is the Son of man." (Matt. 13:37) Jesus, the "Son of man," prepared the field for planting during the three and a half years of his earthly ministry. (Matt. 8:20; 25:31; 26:64) Then from Pentecost 33 C.E. onward, he started to sow the fine seed--"the sons of the kingdom." This sowing evidently took place when Jesus, as Jehovah's representative, began to pour out holy spirit upon the disciples, thereby anointing them as God's sons.* (Acts 2:33) The fine seed developed into mature wheat. So the objective in sowing the fine seed was eventually to gather the full number of those who would become joint heirs and rulers with Jesus in his Kingdom.

    * In this parable, the sowing does not represent the work of preaching and disciple making, which would bring in new ones who would become anointed Christians. Regarding the fine seed that is sown in the field, Jesus said: "These are [not "will become"] the sons of the kingdom." The sowing refers to the anointing of these sons of the Kingdom in the world field.

    COMMENTSAlways question WTS statements that have "evidently" in them. "This sowing evidently took place when Jesus, as Jehovah's representative, begain to pour out holy spirit...anointing them as God's sons."

    Notice how the WTS inserts the limited, finite number of those who go to heaven when Matthew 13 says nothing about that.

    Q 5. Who is the enemy in the illustration, and who are pictured by the weeds?

    5. Who is the enemy, and who are the weeds? Jesus tells us that the enemy "is the Devil." The weeds are described as "the sons of the wicked one." (Matt. 13:25, 38, 39) In a literal sense, the weeds that Jesus referred to were probably the bearded darnel. This poisonous plant closely resembles wheat in its early stages before it reaches maturity. What a fitting picture of imitation Christians, those who claim to be sons of the Kingdom but do not produce genuine fruitage! These hypocritical Christians who claim to be followers of Christ are really part of the "seed" of Satan the Devil.--Gen. 3:15.

    COMMENTSNotice another word is used "probably" to make a definite statement but to leave room to negate it later.

    Imitation Christians = can baptized jws be in this group per the WTS?
    Claim to be sons of the not produce genuine fruitage: Was the WTS producing genuine fruitage when they participated in a national day of prayer in 1918? Or used the cross (considered pagan later) on the cover of the WT; celebrated birthdays and Christmas; used pyramidology to calculate prophecies; taught that Jesus presence started in 1874, that he became king in 1878, and that the calling to heaven ended in 1881? Who were the hypocrites?

    Q 6. When did the weeds start to appear, and how were men "sleeping" at the time?

    6. When did these weedlike Christians appear? "While men were sleeping," says Jesus. (Matt. 13:25) When was this? We find the answer in the apostle Paul's words to the Ephesian elders: "I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves." (Acts 20:29,30) He went on to admonish those elders to keep awake spiritually. After the apostles, who acted as "a restraint" against the apostasy, began falling asleep in death, many Christians fell asleep spiritually. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 6-8.) That is when the great apostasy started.

    COMMENTSWho were the weedlike Christians considering the WTS teachings in paragraph 5 comments.
    Do Bible scholars identify an "apostasy" after the death of John, the last apostle?

    Q 7. Did some of the wheat turn into weeds? Explain.
    7. Jesus did not say that the wheat would become weeds but that weeds were sown among the wheat. So this illustration does not portray genuine Christians who fall away from the truth. Rather, it points to a deliberate effort on the part of Satan to corrupt the Christian congregation by introducing wicked people into it. By the time that the last apostle, John, was old, this apostasy was clearly evident.--2 Pet. 2:1-3; 1 John 2:18.

    COMMENTSThis may seem like a new idea, that the weeds are not jws who fall away, see opening comments. But who are these "wicked people" then who Satan introduces into the jw congregation?

    "clearly evident"--the WTS is saying that the Catholic and Orthodox churches were contaminated.


    Q 8, 9. (a) Why would the Master's instructions to his slaves have made sense to Jesus' listeners? (b) In the fulfillment, how did the wheat and the weeds grow together?

    8. The Master's slaves inform him of the problem and ask: "Do you want us, then, to go out and collect [the weeds]?" (Matt. 13: 27, 28) His answer may seem surprising. He tells them to allow the wheat and the weeds to grow together until the time of the harvest. That command would make sense to Jesus' disciples. They would realize just how difficult it is to distinguish wheat from darnel weed. Those with some agricultural experience would also realize that the bearded darnel's root system usually intertwines with that of the wheat. No wonder the Master instructs them to wait!

    COMMENTSThink about this, do humans identify who are weeds and who are wheat...or do the angels--the reapers?

    9. In a similar way, down through the centuries, the various sects of Christendom have produced a bumper crop of weeds--first among the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches and later among the numerous Protestant groups that sprang up. At the same time, a few seeds of the genuine wheat were sown in the world field. The householder in the illustration waited patiently during the extended growing time until the relatively shorter harvest time would arrive. *

    * The roots of the bearded damel become so intertwined with the roots of the wheat that to uproot them before harvest would result in a loss of wheat.--See Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, page 1178.

    COMMENTSSo who were the few seeds of genuine wheat before 1879? Remember what the WTS taught was the harvest period, 1874 to 1914, with 1914 being the end of the harvest?


    Q 10, 11. (a) When is the time for the harvest? (b) How is the symbolic wheat being brought into Jehovah's storehouse?

    10. Jesus tells us: "The harvest is a conclusion of a system of things, and the reapers are angels." (Matt. 13:39) During the last days of this wicked system of things, a separating takes place--the sons of the Kingdom are to be gathered and separated from any weedlike ones. Regarding this, the apostle Peter tells us: "It is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the end be of those who are not obedient to the good news of God?"--1 Pet. 4:17.

    COMMENTSDuring the last days....1799?

    Creation (1927) p.293 “Napoleon began this Egyptian campaign in 1798, finished it, and then returned to France on October 1, 1799. The campaign is briefly, yet graphically described in the prophecy, verses 40-44; and its being completed in 1799 marks, according to the prophet's own words, the beginning of "the time of the end….Twelve hundred and sixty years from 539 A.D. brings us to 1799, which is another proof that 1799 definitely marks the beginning of "the time of the end." This also shows that it is from the date 539 A.D. that the other prophetic days of Daniel must be counted.”

    11. Shortly after the beginning of the last days, or the "conclusion of a system of things," the judgment started for those who claimed to be genuine Christians--whether they were actually "sons of the kingdom" or "sons of the wicked one." "First" Babylon the Great fell, and "then" the sons of the Kingdom were gathered together at the start of the harvest. (Matt. 13:30) But how is the symbolic wheat now being brought into Jehovah's storehouse? These harvested ones were either brought into the restored Christian congregation, where they have God's favor and protection, or they received their heavenly reward.

    COMMENTSDid the last days begin in 1799?

    genuine Christians--only Bible Students (before 1931) and then new name jws in 1931 to distance themselves from Bible Students

    No explanation of what Babylon the Great is..........

    was 1914 the beginning of the last days or the end?

    When does the WTS teach the Christian congregation (only jws) was restored--1919....

    Q 12. In what way do the weeds cause stumbling, and how are they doing lawlessness?

    12. How long does the judgment last? Jesus referred to the harvest as a "season," so it continues over a period of time. (Rev. 14:15, 16) The judgment of the individual members of the anointed continues throughout the time of the end. It will last until they are finally sealed.--Rev. 7:1-4.

    COMMENTSRemember the WTS taught that the harvest was from 1874 to 1914 (40 years).

    Did you realize that the WTS teaches there are 2 sealings, initial and final? When does the final sealing take place per the WTS and what happens then? (see below)

    Q 13. For how long does the harvest continue?

    13. Who will be collected out from the Kingdom, and how do they cause stumbling and do lawlessness? (Matt. 13:41) The weed like clergy of Christendom have misled millions for centuries. They have done this by means of God-dishonoring teachings, "things that cause stumbling," such as the doctrine of eternal punishment in hellfire and the confusing and mysterious Trinity. Many religious leaders have set a bad example for their flocks by their adulterous friendship with this world and in some cases by their flagrant immoral conduct. (Jas. 4:4) Additionally, Christendom has become increasingly tolerant of immorality among its members. (Read Jude 4.) Despite all of this, they continue to maintain an outward show of piety and godliness. How happy the sons of the Kingdom are to be separated from such weedlike influences and corrupt teachings that cause stumbling!

    COMMENTSHasn't the WTS misled; 1874--Christ's presence (until 1943); organ transplants; Sodom and Gomorrah resurrected?; superior authorities...., use of the cross (even on the cover of the WT, use of pyramidoloy, birthdays/Christmas, polygamy until 1947? The WTS teaches that babies will be destroyed eternally because their parents are not jws (even Israelite parents who tossed their children into the fire were not judged worthy of eternal destruction).

    So elders have not committed adultery, child sexual abuse, etc.? Or been tolerant of those who do? All the time maintaining "an outward show of piety and godliness"?

    Q 14. How do the weedlike ones weep and gnash their teeth?

    14. How do the weedlike ones weep and gnash their teeth? (Matt. 13:42) "The sons of the wicked one" are tormented by the fact that "the sons of the kingdom" have exposed the spiritually poisonous condition of these weedlike ones. They also bemoan the diminishing support they receive from their church members, as well as their loss of control over the laity.--Read Isaiah 65: 13,14.

    COMMENTSIsn't the WTS tormented by the exposure of their lies on the internet?
    Is the WTS support by its members diminishing? Why all the cries for money and sale of property and downgrading of publications?

    Did you know that when it comes to child sexual abuse cases, the WTS hides behind the "clergy-penitent" laws that many states have? How is that possible if the WTS has no clergy class?

    Instead of offering victims in these nine cases settlement money as soon as possible as they had done in the past in other lawsuits, the Watchtower stubbornly fought through the courts to have these lawsuits dismissed. This turned out to be a legal nightmare for them because California, Texas and Oregon High Courts ruled against the Watchtower in their quest to keep documents from the plaintiffs claiming clergy-penitent privilege. In the future they will have it much more difficult to hide behind their so-called First Amendment right not to disclose information to secular courts because they are a “religion.” This was only one of a number of excellent rulings in favor of the plaintiffs who had been forever harmed by this religion’s actions. See those rulings.

    Q 15. In what sense are the weedlike ones burned with fire?

    15. In what sense are the weeds collected and burned with fire? (Matt. 13:40) This refers to the final outcome for the weeds. Their being thrown symbolically into the fiery furnace indicates that they are headed for eternal destruction. (Rev. 20:14; 21:8) The imitation, weedlike Christians, the impostors, will be eradicated during the "great tribulation." --Matt. 24:21.

    COMMENTSRemember that the WTS also teaches the children of non-jws are headed for eternal destruction.

    *** w52 1/15 p. 43 par. 22 Training Children for Life in the New World ***Therefore this proves that minor children of Christian parents are indirectly sanctified or counted worthy of protection in God’s sight until they reach the age of individual responsibility. Hence in this day of final judgment since 1918 parents are responsible for the final destiny of their minor children. When Armageddon strikes all minor children who are not under such “family merit” arrangement will meet annihilation with no hope of a resurrection. This is strongly indicated at Ezekiel 9:6 (AS), where it is written: “Slay utterly the old man, the young man and the virgin, and little children and women; but come not near any man upon whom is the mark.”

    Q 16, 17. What did Malachi prophesy concerning God's temple, and how did this start to be fulfilled?

    16. At what time do the wheatlike ones "shine as brightly as the sun"? (Matt. 13:43) Concerning the cleansing of God's temple, Malachi prophesied: "'Suddenly there will come to His temple the true Lord, whom you people are seeking, and the messenger of the covenant in whom you are delighting. Look! He will certainly come,' Jehovah of armies has said. 'But who will be putting up with the day of his coming, and who will be the one standing when he appears? For he will be like the fire of a refiner and like the lye of laundrymen. And he must sit as a refiner and cleanser of silver and must cleanse the sons of Levi; and he must clarify them like gold and like silver, and they will certainly become to Jehovah people presenting a gift offering in righteousness.' "--Mal. 3:1-3.

    COMMENTSRead Rutherford's books, the phrase "messenger of the covenant" and the inspection of the temple is just about on every page.

    17. In modern times, this prophecy evidently started to be fulfilled in 1918 when Jehovah, along with "the messenger of the covenant," Jesus Christ, inspected the spiritual temple. Malachi tells us what happens once this cleansing is completed: "You people will again certainly see the distinction between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him." (Mal. 3: 18) The surge in activity on the part of the reinvigorated true Christians points to that period as the beginning of the harvest time.

    COMMENTSEVIDENTLY started to be fulfilled in 1918
    The WTS uses several versions of who is involved here: Jesus; God; Jesus and God probably because Mal. 3:18 is an OT book.

    Why had the WTS "slowed" down; first they were only looking for anointed; the end did not come in 1914 or 1915 or 1920 as they expected and taught. Also there were many coming in as anointed and the 144,000 limited would soon be reached in the "last days" not allowing for any in the first century.

    What did Jesus, God, or Jesus and God find the WTS doing, making them unclean--teaching 1874 was the presence of Christ, using a cross on the cover of the WT, using pyramidology to calculate prophecies, celebrating birthdays and Christmas....


    18. What did Daniel prophesy would happen in our day?

    18. The symbolic wheat is now being brought into Jehovah's storehouse when he foretold: "The ones having insight will shine like the brightness of the expanse; and those who are bringing the many to righteousness, like the stars to time indefinite, even forever." (Dan. 12:3) Who are these ones who shine so brightly? Why, none other than anointed Christians, the genuine wheat that Jesus referred to in his illustration of the wheat and the weeds! The 'collecting out' of the weedlike imitation Christians has been clearly recognized by an ever-increasing great crowd of sheeplike ones. In attaching themselves to the remnant of spiritual Israel, these prospective subjects of the Kingdom likewise let their light shine in this bedarkened world.--Zech. 8:23; Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:15.

    COMMENTSanointed Christians - only anointed jws
    imitation Christians - all non-jw professed Christians
    great crowd - only jws without a hope of going to heaven
    OT--spiritual Israel (Zech. 8:23)
    PROSPECTIVE subjects--yes, their status is in constant question

    Q 19, 20. What do "the sons of the kingdom" eagerly await, and what will we discuss in the next article?

    19. Today, "the sons of the kingdom" eagerly await their glorious, heavenly reward. (Rom. 8:18, 19; 1 Cor. 15:53; Phil. 1:21,24) Until that time, though, they must remain faithful, continuing to shine brightly, standing out as different from "the sons of the wicked one." (Matt. 13:38; Rev. 2:10) How happy we all can be that we have had the privilege of seeing the results of this symbolic 'collecting out' of the weeds in our time!

    COMMENTSsons of the kingdom = only anointed jws
    remain faithful = final sealing
    Do they stand out as different from sons of the wicked one = Pharisaical practices of the WTS (pick one)

    20. But what is the relationship between these sons of the Kingdom and the ever-expanding great crowd of those who hope to live forever on earth as subjects of the Kingdom? The next article will answer this question.

    COMMENTSNo mention of the ever-expanding anointed.
    CARROT - live forever on earth as SUBJECTS (anointed are not subjects....not even to God?)

    Do You Remember?

    In Jesus' illustration of the wheat and the weeds, what do these parts of the illustration mean?
    The fine seed
    The man who sowed the seed
    The sowing of the seed
    The enemy
    The weeds
    The harvest season
    The storehouse
    The weeping and gnashing of teeth
    The fiery furnace


    Next week, One Flock, One Shepherd, can you guess the theme?

    Love, Blondie

    *** w07 1/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***
    What is the sealing referred to at Revelation 7:3?

    Revelation 7:1-3 states: “I saw four angels standing upon the four corners of the earth, holding tight the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow upon the earth or upon the sea or upon any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the sunrising, having a seal of the living God; and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea, saying: ‘Do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees, until after we have sealed the slaves of our God in their foreheads.’”

    When “the four winds” are released, the result will be “the great tribulation,” the destruction of false religion and the rest of this wicked world. (Revelation 7:14) “The slaves of our God” are Christ’s anointed brothers on earth. (1 Peter 2:9, 16) Hence, this prophecy indicates that the sealing of Christ’s brothers will have been completed when the great tribulation breaks out. However, other Bible verses indicate that there is an earlier sealing of anointed ones. Therefore, at times, we speak of an initial sealing and a final one. What is the difference between those two?
    Let us consider the meaning of the word “sealed.” In ancient times, a seal was an instrument used to make an impression on a document. The word can also refer to the impression itself. In those days, it was common to attach a seal to a document or other items to indicate authenticity or ownership.—1 Kings 21:8; Job 14:17.

    Paul compared holy spirit to a seal when he stated: “He who guarantees that you and we belong to Christ and he who has anointed us is God. He has also put his seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come, that is, the spirit, in our hearts.” (2 Corinthians 1:21, 22) Hence, Jehovah anoints these Christians with his holy spirit to indicate that they are his possession.

    However, there are two phases in the sealing of anointed ones. The initial sealing differs from the final sealing (1) in purpose and (2) in time. The sealing in an initial sense serves to select a new member who is added to the number of anointed Christians. The sealing in a final sense serves to confirm that this chosen and sealed individual has fully demonstrated his loyalty. Only then, at the final sealing, will the seal be permanently placed ‘in the forehead’ of the anointed one, identifying him conclusively as a tried and faithful ‘slave of our God.’ The sealing mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 refers to this final phase of the sealing.—Revelation 7:3.

    Concerning the timing of the initial sealing, the apostle Paul wrote to anointed Christians: “You also hoped in him after you heard the word of truth, the good news about your salvation. By means of him also, after you believed, you were sealed with the promised holy spirit.” (Ephesians 1:13, 14) In many cases, the Bible record shows that first-century Christians were indeed sealed shortly after they heard the good news and became believers in Christ. (Acts 8:15-17; 10:44) Such sealing demonstrated God’s approval of them. However, it did not show God’s final approval. Why not? Paul stated that anointed Christians are “sealed for a day of releasing.” (Ephesians 4:30) This indicates that the passing of time, usually many years, is involved after that initial sealing. Anointed ones need to remain faithful from the day they are sealed with holy spirit until the ‘day they are released’ from their fleshly bodies—that is, until their death. (Romans 8:23; Philippians 1:23; 2 Peter 1:10) Therefore, only at the very end of Paul’s life could he say: “I have run the course to the finish, I have observed the faith. From this time on there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness.” (2 Timothy 4:6-8) Moreover, Jesus said to a congregation of anointed Christians: “Prove yourself faithful even to death, and I will give you the crown of life.”—Revelation 2:10; 17:14.

    The word “crown” gives further evidence that time passes between the initial sealing and the final one. Why? In ancient times, it was the custom to give a crown to the runner who won a race. To receive the crown, he had to do more than merely enter the race. He had to run all the way to the finish. Similarly, only if anointed Christians persevere all the way to the end of their course—from the initial sealing to the final one—will they be crowned with immortal life in heaven.—Matthew 10:22; James 1:12.

    When will the remnant of anointed Christians who have initially been sealed receive their final sealing? Any still alive on earth will be sealed “in their foreheads” before the outbreak of the great tribulation. When the four winds of tribulation are unleashed, all of spiritual Israel will have been sealed in finality, even though a few will still be alive in the flesh and must yet finish their earthly course.

  • bobld

    Thanks Blondie!

    You sure know your stuff.It must PO the GB.

    Q18.Shine,more like my ass when I am taking a shit.


  • bobld

    So this so called harvest is a short period of time per GB.Helllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooo like over 131 years.


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    A very good review Blondie. One of the Elders at my cong simply did not understand the article at all. Which is a pity as he was conducting the WT study!


  • garyneal


    My wife considered that the 'weeds' in the 'field' were all of the people who post on this website and still attend meetings as an active JW.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    Thanks for the summary. I don't miss sitting through an hour of that nonsense...

    To me, the "wheat and the weeds" parable seems inconsistent with the "light gets brighter" and "faithful and discreet slave" teachings. Copied below is something I put together a couple years ago on this subject. (skip down to section III for the "wheat and weeds" discussion)


    1. The light gets brighter

    As you know, Witnesses explain away our silly old teachings and false prophecies by means of the "light getting brighter" statement from Proverbs 4. Thus, according to the Witnesses, we have a much greater understanding of the Bible now than did the friends in the days of Russell, Rutherford, and Knorr.

    2. The 1,900 year-old Faithful & Discreet Slave

    The Witnesses teach that Christ appointed the FDS in 33 C.E. There has been a FDS on the earth at all times from 33 C.E. until today. On several occasions, the literature has stated that one generation of the "slave" fed the next generation—including during the post-Apostolic period up to Russell's time.

    While the Watchtower has occasionally included articles about various dissident groups during the "dark ages" in Europe (e.g., the Lollards, Waldenses, Levellers), there has been no statement affirming any of these groups as comprising the FDS. Also, there is no evidence that these groups fit into any sort of unbroken chain of faithful slaves providing food to the next generation at the proper time.

    Further, the Society teaches that Russell's group was not an offshoot of any group or organization. Rather, one publication characterizes Russell as reviving the great truths of the Bible. Statements such as this insinuate that Russell simply prayed for guidance and was led by Holy Spirit to reject the popular teachings of Christendom (Trinity, hell, etc.).

    II.The Contradiction

    So, the Society appears to have adopted a contradictory position. First, there has been a FDS on the earth since 33 C.E. Second, C.T. Russell was part of the FDS. Ok, so far so good, right? Here's where it gets dicey for the Watchtower. C.T. Russell's group was not an offshoot of any group or organization—rather, they studied the Bible free of any preconceptions from other religious groups. So, how does this square with the FDS dating back to 33 C.E.? Shouldn't there have been a FDS group on the earth in the 1870s to give Russell the food at the proper time? Why did he have to come up with it himself?

    Also, going back to Proverbs 4, who had a clearer understanding of Bible truths—Russell, or the 1st century Christians? I think it would only require a quick glance through the Studies in the Scriptures and some copies of Zion's Watch Tower to answer that question. So, that begs the question: why didn't the light get brighter between 33 C.E. and 1879? It looks like it got darker, doesn't it?

    III.A Flawed Counter-Argument

    An astute Witness would likely counter this argument by raising the parable of the wheat and the weeds. The Watchtower teaches that during the post-Apostolic period until the "time of the harvest" (which JWs believe parallels the "last days"), it would be difficult to distinguish true from false Christians. But, according to Witness theology, once the harvest period began, the wheat and weeds would be readily distinguishable.

    This counter-argument is like a Monet painting—it looks good from a distance, but when you examine it up close, it's a mess. In particular, this counter-argument is at odds with the concept of a FDS class existing from 33 C.E. down to modern times. In order for the two doctrines to coexist, then at some point members of the FDS had to stop believing certain "true" doctrines and start believing "false" doctrines and still be the FDS . Picture this: it's the 2nd century and the members of the FDS meet and decide to start believing in the Trinity. Would Jesus consider these people to be "faithful" and "discreet"? Do JWs believe that something like this happened? Probably not; but something like that must have happened for the WTS doctrines of "wheat and weeds" and FDS to coexist.

  • sd-7

    Wow--this article is loaded with some serious problems. Suggesting that the 'wheat' refers only to 144,000 people? My gosh, is no illustration sacred? The strange thing about this is, the ANGELS do the reaping. So how can any religion claim to be the sum total of the wheat to be found? No human can make that judgment, certainly not without being unbelievably presumptuous.

    And apostates should logically be weeds as well, shouldn't they? Isn't that the whole POINT? They APPEAR to be wheat but in the end turn out to be weeds. It's inconsistent logic here. My gosh, man! What were they on when they wrote this one? Meh. Nobody will notice anyway.

    It's just...a lot more supposition than I'm used to reading even from them.

  • straightshooter

    My spouse was disturbed by comments at the kh on paragraph 11 that Jehovah's storehouse was either the restored Christian congregation or the heavenly reward. After I read this and looked in the Insight book under storehouse, the storehouse should only be the restored Christian congregation according to WTS beliefs. The heavenly reward was misleading, for why would they need protection in heaven.

  • WTWizard

    That article represents yet another waste of people's time and paper. Righteous shining? How? The witlesses do not tolerate regular fornication, homosexuality, or bestiality--yet they tolerate pedophiles that molest children, often as part of hounding calls, because they get their kicks out of ruining their lives. They do not tolerate celebrating Christmas or birthdays, yet they require children to go straight into the money-draining pio-sneer work. And, they are telling even worse lies than the Trinity.

    At least the Trinity is defendable, using the Bible and just the Bible. It might not be the truth, but it is defendable. The lies the Washtowel Slaveholdery are telling are not even defendable, yet they expect the witlesses to go out in the field and spread them. Such as "a generation"--when the scripture that is supposed to support it actually says something totally different.

  • designs

    Explaining the Parables.............pounding a square peg into a round hole.

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