why does the world keep ending and never does ? about 25 times j.w.s have said when the world will end and it does not! in 1972 and then in 1975 ? ,my kids cant go to colege or university, or play with their friends at school or drama or sports? why is it so important to keep us from any knowledge other then what you want to give us ? can i not explore all the world has to offer! psycology and philosophy! and why did the starter of the religion sell magic beans that cure cancer and they did not grow for a thousand years in small print of coarse!, my friend owns alot of the donations from jw and we drink and have fun in the bahamas he said its a business like any others! i said people get hurt ! he said in brainwashing if there not strong enough thats their own fault?
by helpguy 10 Replies latest jw experiences
my friend owns alot of the donations from jw and we drink and have fun in the bahamas he said its a business like any others! i said people get hurt ! he said in brainwashing if there not strong enough thats their own fault?
I (for one) would be fascinated to hear more about how your friend "owns a lot of the donations from jw".
Welcome, Helpguy. I'm curious if these are actual questions or you are just venting.
Think About It
Helpguy.........Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy it and learn many new things. Been several 1st posts on the board the past few days.
Think About It
Welcome, yeah are you a JW now? were you a JW? How does your friend own a lot of the donations?>
I must admit I'm also quite intrigued about you friend "owning donations". In my opinion, the whole world-ending thing has always been very vague. From failed dates in the past I've learned not too get too worked up about it. Whenever things seem to get bad (WWI, WWII, Cold War, Gulf war, Vietnam war, African civil unrest in the 1980's & 1990's, bad economy, 9/11) there seems to be a hype about the world finally coming to an end. If and when it does, and if it indeed comes from God, it'll be just as he said, no one knows the time or the hour. So why worry about it? In the words of an old friend and Elder: LIVE as if Armageddon was coming tomorrow, but PLAN as if it was not coming in your lifetime.
HELPGUY- Welcome to the board ! Your question, " Why does the world keep ending and never does ? " Because it's a lie- the world is not ending. It's a control mechanism which leaders of the WT society use to keep current witnesses in fear of their future.
Another way the WT society controls Jehovah's Witnesses is by doing what your friend did ( according to you ) - " My friend owns a lot of the donations from JW's " . Is your friend a former GB member who was paid off ? Was he part of a business corporation controlling the WT society or a former WT lawyer and knew some incriminating info towards upper echelon WT society members - and sent his merry way compensated financially $$$$ ? Would be nice to know. But considering you are partying with him- he might not like that.
However I'm impressed by your statement to him, " I said people get hurt ! " That shows human empathy on your part for JW's who have been financially taken advantage of . Your friends statement and answer back to you, " In brainwashing if they're not strong enough - that's their own fault " - is an incorrect and wrong observation on his part of how cult mind control works. For many of these JW's the locus of control of their lives is taken away from them and they live in fear and guilt because of the WT society saying they'll be destroyed at Armageddon if they don't obey the leaders of the WT society. So JW members are CONNED into obeying and donating money through intimidation and fear tactics.
So the guy you are hanging out with is a financial con artist essentially. If I were you- I'd find a new friend as this guy may use you in time . How could you trust him ? Look forward to your response
CHANGELING- Hey sis ! How are you ? I was looking forward to your comment. I guess you're speechless ? LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
hello,,,,nice to meet you....a big WELCOME....