Religious orders don't usually like outside sources taping their talks to be scrutinized latter on.
Especially the bogus ones like the WTS.
Thats the reason behind the abiding law set out by the WTS. for anyone recording their talks at Assemblies and elsewhere.
They know their talks could be tapped and put up on You Tube like some have already.
This latest shut up by the WTS just proves how the WTS utilize corporate copyright laws to control the out going information.
The other thing thats worthy to note is the GB are worried that their latest " Generation Change "
is so fabricating weak in itself, they want any refutation stopped in its tracks from outside or inside of the organization.
Good on V for bring it to the people's attention though, maybe there's a work around the whole thing.
When someone posts the exact words from a talk and repeats them openly the WTS. doesn't like that
since the information isn't coming out of an Apostate's mouth its coming out of their own.