I knew JWs who did illegal drugs; and I know JWs who do illegal drugs.
Did You Know Any Jehovah's Witnesses That "Did" Drugs?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Hi minimus!
We had teens ( three that I knew of) who both smoked weed and drank, but I don't know about any adults. We teens avoided the adults as much as we could. And the teens who were thought to tell on us( I was in with the "in" crowd for a few months), just werent invited to "hang out" with us. I never smoked weed ( did cigarettes though) back then but I did drink. I never ratted on anyone who I knew was toking, nor drinking. The teens who were in the "out" crowd may have been doing the same things that the "in" crowd were doing for all anyone knows!
Broken Promises
I didn’t know anyone who did, but that doesn’t mean that no one was using drugs, it just means that I was naïve enough to think that that didn’t go on in “the truth”. I remember one young couple who got df’d about 6 mths after they were married and drug use was involved, but I suspect that that wasn’t the only reason they were df’d.
Hi Gwen! Good to see you!!
I knew of dub kids that did some drugs, but for the most part we abused alcohol. It was legal and easier to obtain.
I never had a problem with weed, even as a JW. I never tried it until I was out but when I heard of JWs doing it before I was out, I just kinda shrugged my shoulders. There were worse things than pot to get into.
Both my kids have told me they did drugs with other JW's...It sounds like it is common place to me.
Naw, I ain't no pothead. I tried it, no big deal. I still prefer alcohol, but if a pipe's gettin' passed around I might take a toke if I feel like it...
That's the beauty of freedom, you can if you want or you can pass on it, your choice
Funny....smoking doesn't do anything for me. I've never wanted to cough and feel congested. But a pill, on the other hand.....
Darth plaugeis
When I was a JW I smoked weed as a teen and early adult. I stopped cause it was bad................. so now let's TOKE UP