They morph into more compact things but sadly, they don't go away.
What's Next For The Watchtower Organization?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
I hope that there is a major schism that will happen about 2014-2015. I mean like on the proportion of the 1920's schism. That would rock.
Hey, one can make a wish right?
Beth Sarim
on the way out;
where did you hear about the 2011 DC's being changed to just 2 days in 2011? i've heard nothing even remotely possible to that.
Beth Sarim
Tuesday, i just don't know how that would be possible on Nov. 5,2017, how do you know this?
Tuesday, i just don't know how that would be possible on Nov. 5,2017, how do you know this?
You need to check out Vast Apostate Army, there's posts on here about it and it's on youtube quite a bit. It's the day it call comes down :)
Doubting Bro
Beth Sarim - First, welcome!
OTWO & Tuesday were just throwing predictions out there! I'm actually suprised they haven't reduced the DCs to 2 days already. Remember they used to be what 7 days? I'm old enough to remember the 4 day, then the shift to 3.5 days and finally to the current 3 day. I agree with OTWO that they will move to a 2 day DC sometime shortly under the theory that they can get a similar donation amount but reduce their expenses. I guarantee that NO ONE will complain about it either. The Friday attendance is usually 20-25% lower than the Sunday peak so it really makes sense. I theorize that the reason they haven't done this sooner is they get such great deals on the various venues that are used around the country that the costs savings isn't enough. Of course, in some cases (such as in the NYC area), they're using the existing assembly halls for DCs (albeit smaller gatherings). If that trend continues, they may not reduce it to 2 days since they will want to make sure the buildings are being utilized as much as possible.
Whatever the case, it will come down to money. That is the number one concern of the organization from my point of view.
Olin Moyles Ghost
A few thoughts in no particular order:
- "major" blood fractions (white cells, red cells, etc.) now a conscience matter, but "whole blood" still off limits
- a handful of new GB members--including more minorities (as besty mentioned, probably a Latino)
- no more public WT, just the members-only WT and the Awake for the public
- no more "congregation bible study" (I know it's now on the same night as the TMS/service mtg; I think they may just drop it)
- increased emphasis on placing tracts on initial calls, rather than books/brochures
- no more reporting of literature placements--just hours, RVs, studies (this would dovetail with the de-emphasis on placing books/brochures)
- post entire issues of JW-only WTs online (rather than just the study articles); encourage JWs (esp. in western lands) to download and print PDFs instead of ordering paper copies
4th down, time to punt. Or else self destruct. I'd prefer the latter
on the way out;
where did you hear about the 2011 DC's being changed to just 2 days in 2011? i've heard nothing even remotely possible to that.
I said:
Major changes I think might happen.
It's something I think but don't know. Actually, 2011 might be too soon.
Beth Sarim
thanks guys