Once again, James, I crossed posts with you and said basically the same thing you did but not as succinctly...
So really just how long is a generation in regards to the length of human life ?
by thetrueone 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I understand and have heard (tongue in cheek) that one of the summer dc's releases will be "new world translation of the english dictionary". It will contain all proper christian definitions based on the septuagentleman manuscripts. This will be a far more accurate source for word definitions than can be found in the current "worldly sources"
THE TRUE ONE- Good thread. Yeah, exactly. Most dictionaries refer to a " generation " as 30 years- or from the time we are born until we reach considered mature adulthood and have our own children. Then our children are the NEXT generation. When people on the board here refer to themselves being a second or third generation JW - we understand that to mean that their parents or grandparents were witnesses- thus SEPERATE generations. The WT society is very devious about changing the REAL definition of words to suit their insane purposes
A generation is what ever the WTS says it is OK!!!
You are all to sit there nodding heads in unison , lapping up and being greatfull for some MORE NEW LIGHT!!!!
Good and interesting comments everyone
It makes truthful sense that for the majority of the time
the writers of the WTS. created and devised their self serving time chronology to
attract attention to their literature and increase the circulation of their published works.
The year 1914 to them has eventually become a heavy weighted anchor thats been difficult to completely let go
and rub it out their own history books .
Eventually they will have to, perhaps noting that it was calculated primarily from the crackpot forefather
of the organization, C T Russell who embraced the original idea from a discredited ideology known as Pyramidology.
Yep I think 1914 will be washed away completely one day, it invalidates today's FDSL and the ones to be replaced in the future.
I like Soldier77 comment then we are in the 3rd-4th overlap of the generation already....
Didn't even realize this myself to be honest.
This information might be good for helping people realize how wrong and devious the WTS. can be
with their proclamations they create.
How does the WTS. handle the TRUTH, they S t r e t c h ..... it in a very self serving way.