"You Would Make a Good Pioneer!" - May 2010 Our Kingdom Ministry

by pirata 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WingCommander

    I'm sick just reading this; I was having flashbacks to the Kingdom Hall. They amount of guilt they lay upon everyone is incredible. Just imagine if you will, if EVERYONE, if EVERY SINGLE JW, was a full-time pioneer. There would be no one working in order to hand in donations, and no money to support the CO, DO, and GB. They'd be bankrupt in a few short years.

    No more vocational or associate degree programs I see; we're back to the pre-1994 train of thought of NO EDUCATION! Education = bad! Education = Satan's influence!!

    Same shit, different decade. This is sad.

    - Wing Commander

  • mentallyfree31

    I was a great pioneer for 5 years.

    Now I'm working on being a great apostate for the rest of my life!


  • Oceanblue

    I love how they say that if someone says that you would make a good pioneer, your supposed to take it as a compliment.

  • shopaholic

    How will you fill that vacuum after graduation?

    I can think of a number of ways that do not involve pioneering. If only I knew then what I know now.

  • Confuzzled

    Even fucking Catholic Nuns in convents get degrees. My JW looks at those lobotomized sheep trudging around in 100 degrees in their Payless clearance heels as saints. He came home recently extolling the benefits of career schools and "leaving time for God". I said thats easy for somebody to say that is as comfortable as he is. They are REALLY pushing the evils of college lately. I see they have always been against it but my outsiders POV says that it has something to do with the dwindling numbers. What are they going to do when everybody left is broke making less then 15 grand a year? When the coffers are drying up, we'll see how fast they start pushing college attendence so you can Pioneer at school.

  • jinjam
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    6 Overcoming Obstacles: But what if you say, 'I do not have the desire to pioneer.' If that is the way you feel at first, pray to Jehovah about the way you feel and tell him, 'I do not know if pioneering is for me, but I want to do what is pleasing to you.' (Ps. 62:8; Prov. 23:26) Then look for his direction through his Word and organization. Many regular pioneers first "tasted" pioneering as auxiliary pioneers, and the joy they experienced moved them to pursue a career in fulltime service.-Ps. 34:8.

    Crikey moses! What crap, typical WT leading

    1. Pray to Jehovah

    2. Use the words we tell you to use

    3.Read only our literature that is only ever pro pioneer

    4.try it out

    5. You will arrive at the only conclusion we lead you to.

    6. you WILL pioneer

  • lisavegas420

    After my freshman year of high school, I vacation pionered...I did it to fit in and be like the others. I hated it. I got all my hours plus some.

    The next summer, I applied and was turned down. It had never had occurred to me that I could volunteer to Jehovah and be turned down. I felt okay with it though. Kinda like when I raised my hand and wasn't' called on. I knew the answer, that's all that mattered.


  • transhuman68

    I recently met an elder I hadn't seen for twenty years, and he couldn't stop bragging about his son who went to London to work in the IT industry, making big money and travelling the world. These suckholes know that pioneering is a criminal waste of time, but keep silent. Mongrels.

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