My little grandson is still sick. They can't do the procedure to remove the blockage because he now has a bladder infection! And the bad #'s are rising again. So he will be in the hospital probably another week. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Sick little boy!
by crapola 44 Replies latest jw friends
(((((((((((wee one, soonerNC7 and family, crapola)))))))))))))))))))
whats happening crapola?
Yesterday, my son had a procedure to correct what's called a "Tethered Spinal Cord". Basically a small incision is made in the back around the area of the Lumbar Vertebra. Then a small window is cut into the bone and the surgeon removes a small piece of connective tissue that's preventing the spinal cord from moving freely back and forth. The tissue causes pressure on the nerves and this pressure causes urinary and fecal incontinence as wells as leg pain. The prolonged urinary incontinence caused the kidney damage that had him in here a few months ago. Hopefully we'll get to go home tomorrow morning.
I love Cook Children's Hospital but we're both ready to leave.
That's good news, Sooner. I hope you and your son will be home soon, and that the surgery makes things better for your boy.
Hope everything turns out ok.
best wishes for you and yours, hope everythings gone well and you can all go home
Broken Promises
Poor little boy, he's been through so much!
I hope all goes well and he's back to being a healthy, happy little boy soon!