What the hell?
I started reading CoC a couple of weeks ago whenever I get a chane to hide out, I'm into chapter 7, great information.
Last night I decided to listed to a couple of mp3's I found at freeminds.
If I wasn't sure already, they put the nails in the Watchtower's coffin, especially Gregerson's expose on his study. Similarly as Gregorson, I too set out to try and boost my faith and prove to myself that I had "the Truth". I was confident that I would!
A few weeks ago I was noticing at the Kingdom Hall, which has many of the old books, that volume 7 of Studies in the Scriptures was not there. The CBE walked into the library so I asked, where's volume 7? He shrugged his shoulders.
Is it true the Publishing Corp. (aka Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Inc.) recalled that book from KH libraries?
If you haven't listened to these, please do!