Have you ever noticed how similar the Society is to a Multi-Level Marketing Business?
by SAHARA 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sahara ...
Very true and a little creepy.
I bought bath soap from them and it had a WT logo on it.
I wasn't sure what parts to clean with it.
Rub a Dubf
The JW/WT set up is MLM, and as undercover rightly says, nearly all the meetings are sales meetings, or reinforcing the mind-control.
There is very little about the product, the average Witless is abysmally ignorant about their own doctrines, and even more so about the Bible.
It is also like a Ponzi scheme, in that with the pathetic retention rate, it needs new recruits constantly.
They are spiritually dead, and not very good at selling.
I got into Herbalife for a time after leaving the witlesses, and I noticed some similarities between the two. They seem to both want people to spend time bringing new distributors into the system. But, there are differences.
The most notable is that Herbalife only got some of my money. I do not recommend their product as any better than what you get at a good health food store, and being a distributor is not going to make you more than a few hundred dollars a month for full time work. However, they are nowhere near as prying into people's private lives, and the last I knew you cannot get cut off from family for failure as a distributor in Herbalife. And, you are distributing a product that is much better than the Washtowel littera-trash.
Mad Dawg
I spent 7 years in Amway. After I left, a relative of mine joined the Dubbers, I started researching cults. It sent chills down my spine. Amway is a cult just as the Dubbers or Mormons are.
White dove - No, it was originally called A.L. Williams, named after it's founder Art Williams who was a former football coach in Georgia I think... But it is now called Primercia Financial Services. There have been various off shoots started by other leaders of the Organization but I don't know the names of the companies.
Undercover - The experience I had in this MLM is what has kept me from getting duped into the WTBTS. It's strange because my wife had been attending meetings very sparatically through the years and the first time I attended a WT meeting was before I became involved in the MLM. It was only after my experience a few years after I left it that I had the epiphany about the stunning similarities in how these Organizations operate. Unfortunately, my wife has yet to see the light.
I have. I currently have a client (that I helped purchase a life and health insurance policy) pressuring me to sign up for "Team National" or the "Nationals Company"
It's CLEARLY a MLM program, the premise being pay a certain amount of money for a lifetime membership that gives you tax free savings, commission paid back to you savings, and membership benefits.
For the life of me, I can't shake this woman. I almost want to tell her that I'll be sending some people over for bible study, it's right up her alley.
Mad Sweeney
Cults, whether religious or business or otherwise, are a big problem in the USA and the entire world. I would love to see the issue become important to people with a voice people listen to. If someone like Oprah could come out with some anti-cult education then perhaps some progress might be made.
Safara, very nice analogy and glad you are out of that AND the JWs. This sentence sum them both up nicely: "Somewhere down the line, we were sold something that we weren't looking for but bought it all anyway."
we can save you and you can save the world
now go tell your friends and family
rinse and repeat
identical methodology IMHO - but like cults, falling on a continuum of malign(ponzi scheme) to benign (superior products and compensation plan)