Daringhart darling.....
Going back to college 30s-50s........is the 'IN' thing to do these days among JWs (Ex, active and inactive!)
Actually with the economic meltdown it is popular with 'worldlies' too!
So the question now is what do you want to study?
Improve your current career or change directions entirely ?????
Maybe say 'screw it' and follow a 'passion' instead of taking the 'safe' route!!!
I am 36 and have been in and out of college courses since 17.......(and will continue until I am dead in paradise (cuz delusional denial can be a godsend until the rational mind can accept reality)
I will share these tidbits:
Strongly consider online basic courses from your local community college, jr. college or state universities.
Think about what subjects you feel you can 'read the book' and test out of via CLEP
I have managed to get more than half of my congo enrolled so I can attest it is quite simple....
One of the benefits of being a 'mature' student is that you don't (pardon my french) 'dick around' like that young, dumb and full of c** boy sitting next to you in Biology who is quite preoccupied with that girl he met at the bar last night........
Additionally upon graduation many in your chosen field will just assume you have been in the field since your 20s.......
If you wanna PM me you can....