Update please Deputy Dog.
Oil flow has stopped!
by Deputy Dog 29 Replies latest jw friends
Deputy Dog
I guess the fact that the news report was wrong about the oil flow proves... what?
It demonstrates that you need to get some better sources of information.
It demonstrates that you are hair trigger quick to cut and paste ultimately erroneous media reports which validate your world view.
And it also demonstrates that you have a history of belching out 'news' and failing to follow up on it when your 'news' is shown to be patently false.
And yet you refuse to acknowledge scientific facts such as man-made climate change.
Let the reader use discernment.
LOL....like I said faux news.
I do agree with besty - do a little more research outside the safe zone in order to try and gain some sort of accuracy in the news we are fed. Good example - I read an article here in the US regarding the closure of a huge park area along the Arizona/Mexican border with the reason for the closure being safety concerns for American citizens. I think it was something like 3500 acres of American soil that Americans are now banned from using because of violent clashes with Mexicans. Now - we invaded another country who didn't invade us but ignore some pretty major issues that have invaders actually invading our space...that's an interesting sidenote. Anyway, right after I read that - a newspaper somewhere in Europe that I stumbled on, reported the same incident but titled it as 'America giving Mexico back 3500 acres of land on the Arizona border'.
So you see, same information, different slant but keep reading and sometimes you get even more people providing even greater information and then at least you can try to make some sense of it all on a level that makes sense to you. Too many people turn on FOX or CNN, watch one clip and think that's the whole story - I don't think this oil gusher is going to end well for anyone and I think when the government hands you a spread of one month to two years, it's called CYA.
It might seem strange to a lot of people, and I'm not a seafood lover, but when pictures of the oily dead crabs and the reports of all the shrimp dying and dolphins suffocating in the stuff are shown non stop on the news alongside people bitching about the cost of their shrimp dinner tripling now - well, it kind of turns my stomach that so many people just don't get it and just don't care. sammieswife
Deputy Dog
You are sooooo right! I'm sure everybody believed the oil flow had stopped. I know I wasn't sceptical at all.
I'm sorry! I was wrong. I didn't realize you were resting on my every word. I should have called you on your cell phone to tell you to look at the live feed from BP so you could see that it's still flowing.
So you want use my old thread to get some attention? Go ahead. When is your Armageddon coming again?
I didn't realize you were resting on my every word.
Not so much.
I know I wasn't sceptical at all
Your skepticism was so deeply held you omitted to mention it all.
So you want use my old thread to get some attention?
No - I used it to illustrate your modus operandi of pasting rubbish you have found and moving on to the next trashcan.
Thank you for the opportunity.
What a nasty little drama queen the Betsy is.
Deputy Dog
No - I used it to illustrate your modus operandi of pasting rubbish
I didn't PASTE anything.
... until now
What a nasty little drama queen the Betsy is.
Yea, Here's his life story: http://disneydvd.disney.go.com/chicken-little.html
Send in the Navy and blow the damned thing up already!!!!
Bush would have had this thing plugged up a long time ago!
What a nasty little drama queen the Betsy is
Look who is calling the kettle black. B-Rocks In The Head...your topics and political comments bring Drama Queen to a whole new level.