anything at all????
Was There Anything You Liked About Being A Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus 43 Replies latest jw friends
Making fresh Donuts at the Orange County Fair Grounds District Assembly summer circa 65.
You had freshly made donuts?? WOW!
designs, was that CA or FL? We had freshly made donuts at our circuit assemblies too. It was a good job to have and we ate the broken ones.
In the good old days, the convention food was pretty good!
California..................or as Bethel referred to us as Californication
Hey, we were a fun group ..............
Being raised a JW, I realized that I was "trained" to be pretty fearless and worry little about what people might think.
Field service: nope
Meetings: nope
dressing up several times a week: nope
getting counseled for every little thing: nope
sticking out like a sore thumb, growing up in the 60s/70s: nope
I'm kinda drawing a blank.
I had some friends, but that's not exlusive to JWs. Had I been in another religion or none at all, I would've had friends.
I always had some beautiful suits and ties. Still do! Don't own jeans though.
I hate ties... years of wearing those damn things four days a week...
I do dress up occasionally...on my terms and when I feel like it. I even own a fitted tuxedo. Figured if I was gonna dress up, I might as well as look as good as James Bond...