.....what interesting use of the internet do you make?
by AK - Jeff 34 Replies latest social entertainment
.....what interesting use of the internet do you make?
I actually hate the computer. The light bothers my eyes after a few hours of working. But I like getting my news online and browsing health-related websites mostly.
I send emails
I browse Facebook
I post on other discussion forums
I occasionally go on ebay
Soon I’ll be doing an online course
Doing lots of reading on my favorite subject, frugality and money management
Taking an online class this summer
Read some favorite blogs
Check/send email
Make menus & research recipes
Right now I'm researching vacation destinations
I'm also researching budget wedding tips (DS27 is engaged)
I create my lesson plans for homeschooling; also, I have several homeschool sites I rotate through with lots of good resources
Oh, been looking up lots of info on urban homesteading and Square Mile living
Look up modest clothing and sewing sites online
fulltilt poker, like right now when I can't sleep!
Warning: Geek Alert
...addicted to Linux distros... can't stop downloading and trying 'em out... can't for the life of me figure out why
emails and
internet related to work and a bit of social,
internet related to curiosity
bit of runescape
news sites etc,
I hang out at a couple boards full of people that used to talk about diesel powered trucks and what not. We tired of the diesel performance stuff and moved along to talking about life.
This place is the first place I've been that isn't related in some fashion to diesel.
I also read all my news on line, Drudge, 2 locals (ADN and KTUU ) and Fox in that order, every morning while having a cup of espresso Americano style. I check in on CNN once in awhile.
I also have a YouTube account I use to display my feelings about Islam
As well as a YouTube account I update with family stuff.
Myspace account that I don't go to much anymore
Two photobucket accounts that I add to continually. One is family and adventures the other is anti-Islam and over 300 doctored pictures of "His Most Glorious Highness King of the Free World OOOOOOOOOOOOBong OH