sorry if i came off a bit rude :-). When debating creationists it is very important to be exact!
But TMJW is (ofcourse) completely wrong. First off, Organic molecules are (in the context of life) allways assumed to be dissolved in water where they can float around an interact in many different ways. Nothing similar can happend with the molecules a pen consist of. So: Argument from false analogy: CHECK!
Second off, its difficult to see what TMJW is arguing against, abiogenesiss or evolution.
Thirdly, the word 'accident'. Im not sure what TMJW actually mean, but i assume he mean something like chance. In that case much of my critisism from this thread applies:
"Amongst the many arguments for and against creation the probability arguments stands out. It goes something like this:
“the improbability of generating the necessary proteins by chance—or the genetic information to produce them—to balloon beyond comprehension. ... The odds of getting even one functional protein of modest length (150 amino acids) by chance from a prebioitc soup is no better than 1 chance in 10164.” Meyer continues, “Another way to say that is the probability of finding a functional protein by chance alone is a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion times smaller than the odds of finding a single specific particle among all the particles in the universe.”
The evidence for the probability of origin of life arising from Darwin’s “warm little pond” seems to have vanished beyond the realm of any possibility—regardless of any early Earth scenario.
I really, really want to put it in the grave because i think its an embaressment to the theists and thinking humans in general; Its right up there with 'noahs ark has been found' and 'humans have less chromosomes than monkeys', but for some reason people dont see through it. "